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«It's Not About the Icing» by Dawn Ellen Kiss

Posted By: Gelsomino
«It's Not About the Icing» by Dawn Ellen Kiss

«It's Not About the Icing» by Dawn Ellen Kiss
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Scrape that glitz and glimmer off and what do you have? The foundation of your life… who you really are. It's not about the Icing. Its about the foundation. So I ask you…. what kind of cake are you? What kind would you really like to be? How did you get to where you are and do you really want to stay there? Please… look at your life. What does the icing look like? Is it bitter? Is it sweet? At this point in your life, is it bitter sweet? Only you can decide what kind of cake you will be and what type of icing you will allow to decorate your life.

Choose wisely…. for you are worth it! You matter! Welcome to “It's Not about the Icing”. Come find yourself.