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Leetcode For Beginners: Crack Dsa Interviews With Blind 75+

Posted By: ELK1nG
Leetcode For Beginners: Crack Dsa Interviews With Blind 75+

Leetcode For Beginners: Crack Dsa Interviews With Blind 75+
Published 11/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 10.93 GB | Duration: 36h 36m

Solve 80+ Leetcode Problems with 14 Patterns for Data Structure and Algorithm Coding Interviews - Perfect for Beginners

What you'll learn

Master 14 key problem-solving patterns that are commonly used to tackle DSA problems.

Solve 80-100 of the most crucial DSA questions, including those from the Blind 75 list.

Learn how to recognize the right pattern to efficiently solve a given DSA problem.

Gain a clear understanding of algorithmic concepts like recursion, dynamic programming, and graph traversal.

Build skills to analyze time and space complexity, ensuring your solutions are optimized.

Develop practical coding skills by implementing solutions for commonly asked interview questions.

Enhance your problem-solving mindset to approach complex technical interview questions with confidence.

Practice interview-style questions to get comfortable with both whiteboard coding and coding assessments.

Increase your confidence and readiness for technical interviews by mastering in-demand DSA concepts.

Develop a deep understanding of data structures like arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and more.


Basic knowledge of at least one programming language (preferably Python, Java, or C++).

Basic data structures and algorithms experience is required

Basic understanding of how 'Space and Time Complexity' works

Willingness to practice coding regularly and actively participate in problem-solving exercises.


Welcome to "Leetcode For Beginners: Crack DSA Interviews With Blind 75+" your comprehensive guide to mastering Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) and acing coding interviews at top tech companies! This course is specially designed for beginners looking to build a solid foundation in DSA, equipping them with the skills and confidence needed to solve complex problems and excel in technical interviews.With 35+ hours of in-depth video content, this course will walk you step-by-step through 14 essential problem-solving patterns that are frequently tested in coding interviews. You’ll tackle 80-100 of the most important Leetcode problems, including questions from the famous Blind 75 list - carefully chosen to prepare you for success in real-world interviews.What patterns will we cover?Throughout the course, you will explore 14 crucial patterns that are key to solving most DSA problems encountered during technical interviews:Array, String: Manipulation / HashingArray, String: Two PointersArray, String: Sliding WindowLinked List: Fast and Slow PointersStackBinary SearchTrees: DFS/BFSBacktrackingTriesGraphs: DFS / BFS / Union FindDynamic Programming (DP): Memoization / TabulationGreedy AlgorithmsMerge IntervalsMatrixBinary: Bit ManipulationThroughout the journey, we also work with,Divide & ConquerTop K ElementsTopological SortKadane's AlgorithmPrerequisitesTo make the most of this course, it’s recommended that you have:Basic Knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms: Familiarity with fundamental data structures like arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs and basic sorting/searching techniques.Understanding of Space and Time Complexity: A basic understanding of how to evaluate the efficiency of algorithms using time complexity (Big O notation) and space complexity.Who is this course for?Whether you are an aspiring software developer, a self-taught programmer, or a computer science student preparing for job interviews, this course is ideal for you. We start with the basics to make every concept approachable and practical, while still ensuring that you build up to solving more advanced problems confidently.Why take this course?By the end of this course, you will have practiced solving 80-100 Leetcode problems and gained the skills to approach each problem strategically. Instead of memorizing answers, you’ll develop a problem-solving mindset that allows you to independently solve new questions effectively and efficiently.With 35+ hours of video content covering the best patterns, questions, and approaches, prepare yourself for coding interviews and confidently master data structures and algorithms. Begin your journey to success today!


Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Introduction

Lecture 2 Welcome To The Course

Lecture 3 Resources / Speed / Recommendations [Important]

Lecture 4 Resources [Important]

Section 2: Arrays, String: Manipulation & Hashing

Lecture 5 Two Sum / 1

Lecture 6 Contains Duplicate / 217

Lecture 7 Valid Anagram / 242

Lecture 8 Group Anagrams / 49

Lecture 9 Top K Frequent Elements / 347

Lecture 10 Is Subsequence / 392

Lecture 11 Longest Consecutive Sequence / 128

Lecture 12 Product of Array Except Self / 238

Section 3: Arrays, String: Two Pointers

Lecture 13 Valid Palindrome / 125

Lecture 14 Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted / 167

Lecture 15 3Sum / 15

Lecture 16 Container With Most Water / 11

Section 4: Arrays, String: Sliding Window

Lecture 17 Maximum Average Subarray I / 643

Lecture 18 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock / 121

Lecture 19 Longest Repeating Character Replacement / 424

Lecture 20 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters / 3

Lecture 21 Minimum Window Substring / 76

Section 5: Linked List: Fast & Slow Pointers

Lecture 22 Middle of the Linked List / 876

Lecture 23 Linked List Cycle / 141

Lecture 24 Linked List Cycle II / 142

Lecture 25 Reverse Linked List / 206

Lecture 26 Reorder List / 143

Lecture 27 Remove Nth Node From End of List / 19

Lecture 28 Merge Two Sorted Lists / 21

Lecture 29 Merge k Sorted Lists / 23

Section 6: Stack

Lecture 30 Valid Parentheses / 20

Lecture 31 Daily Temperatures / 739

Section 7: Binary Search

Lecture 32 Binary Search / 704

Lecture 33 Find Minimum In Rotated Sorted Array / 153

Lecture 34 Search In Rotated Sorted Array / 33

Section 8: Trees: DFS / BFS

Lecture 35 Invert Binary Tree / 226

Lecture 36 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree / 104

Lecture 37 Same Tree / 100

Lecture 38 Subtree of Another Tree / 572

Lecture 39 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree / 235

Lecture 40 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal / 102

Lecture 41 Validate Binary Search Tree / 98

Lecture 42 Kth Smallest Element in a BST / 230

Lecture 43 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal / 105

Lecture 44 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum / 124

Lecture 45 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree / 297

Section 9: Backtracking

Lecture 46 Combination Sum / 39

Lecture 47 Word Search / 79

Section 10: Tries

Lecture 48 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) / 208

Lecture 49 Design Add and Search Words Data Structure / 211

Lecture 50 Word Search II / 212

Section 11: Heap: Priority Queue

Lecture 51 Find Median from Data Stream / 295

Section 12: Graph: DFS / BFS / Union Find

Lecture 52 Number of Islands / 200

Lecture 53 Clone Graph / 133

Lecture 54 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow / 417

Lecture 55 Graph Valid Tree / 261

Lecture 56 Number of Connected Components In An Undirected Graph / 323

Lecture 57 Course Schedule / 207

Lecture 58 Alien Dictionary / 269

Section 13: Dynamic Programming: Memoization / Tabulation

Lecture 59 Fibonacci Number / 509

Lecture 60 Coin Change / 322

Lecture 61 Climbing Stairs / 70

Lecture 62 House Robber / 198

Lecture 63 House Robber II / 213

Lecture 64 Palindromic Substrings / 647

Lecture 65 Longest Palindromic Substring / 5

Lecture 66 Maximum Product Subarray / 152

Lecture 67 Decode Ways / 91

Lecture 68 Word Break / 139

Lecture 69 Longest Increasing Subsequence / 300

Lecture 70 Longest Common Subsequence / 1143

Lecture 71 Unique Paths / 62

Section 14: Greedy

Lecture 72 Boats to Save People / 881

Lecture 73 Maximum Subarray / 53

Lecture 74 Jump Game / 55

Section 15: Merge Intervals

Lecture 75 Merge Intervals / 56

Lecture 76 Insert Interval / 57

Lecture 77 Non-overlapping Intervals / 435

Lecture 78 Meeting Rooms / 252

Lecture 79 Meeting Rooms II / 253

Section 16: Matrix

Lecture 80 Rotate Image / 48

Lecture 81 Spiral Matrix / 54

Lecture 82 Set Matrix Zeroes / 73

Section 17: Binary: Bit Manipulation

Lecture 83 Counting Bits / 338

Lecture 84 Missing Number / 268

Lecture 85 Number of 1 Bits / 191

Lecture 86 Reverse Bits / 190

Lecture 87 Sum of Two Integers / 371

Section 18: Bonus

Lecture 88 Bonus

Aspiring software developers looking to strengthen their understanding of data structures and algorithms for technical interviews.,Self-taught programmers who want to transition from basic coding skills to mastering DSA for professional growth.,Computer science students preparing for upcoming internship or job interviews at tech companies.,Professional developers seeking to refresh and practice their problem-solving skills to excel in coding interviews.