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«Me and My Shadow» by Ray Matthews

Posted By: Gelsomino
«Me and My Shadow» by Ray Matthews

«Me and My Shadow» by Ray Matthews
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What kind of man runs 100 miles at the age of 70 and what makes anyone want to run 100 miles?Throughout a lifetime, everyone has the opportunity to meet truly exceptional people. Ray is one of them. From being a cocky ginger haired, Yorkshire lad who just wanted to have a go at boxing, to his recent 100km Sahara Desert race, Ray's life is truly inspiring and anyone seeking to take on the impossible should read this book. Ray writes with a passion that reflects his fervour for life. Feel the emotion as a young Ray takes steps that help him discover the most important mentors who lead him to make the hardest choices which made the biggest differences in his life. &quote;…Who decides what the right age is to achieve your dreams? Ray demonstrates that destiny is in your hands, and not in the hands of what society expects of us…&quote; — Patrick De Jong, Desert runner and Friend&quote;If you have the burning desire to live your life on your terms, then Ray's book is a must read. Ray is living the ideal life; to be content with what he has achieved, and be ambitious for more.&quote; — David Greenfield, Gym buddy and Life Coach&quote;You will be intrigued by extraordinary stories of determination and achievement in which adversity is overcome and goals are reached. The author takes you on a journey and leaves you wanting more-always the mark of a great book.&quote; — Marina Tune, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist &quote;…The descriptive writing and storytelling paints a picture that almost makes you feel you are right there running with Ray in the desert-like his shadow. Feel the physical and emotional pain Ray experienced and the overwhelming joy of knowing that you have just taken part in something truly amazing.&quote;— Helen Woodburn-Moran&quote;There are many words to describe how you may feel after reading Me and My Shadow; intrigued, shocked, emotional, inspired…&quote;— Fiona Burkinshaw, Personal Trainer and fitness coachBook reviews online @ www.publishedbestsellers.com