«Not Exactly Love» by Betty Hafner
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• Long lead media publicity campaign plan, which will include ARC/galley mailings and personalized pitching and follow up to non-fiction book review editors, women’s interest editors, health and psychology editors at select top circulation national print magazines, MD/DC-area regional print magazines, and publishing industry trade magazines, for potential review, excerpt, or author-written article placements to coincide with pub month of October 2016.
• A comprehensive short lead media publicity plan, which would include review copy and press material mailings to women’s interest and book review editors, radio producers and bloggers, at select online magazines, news websites, blogs and radio shows for potential review, excerpt, or author-interview in October 2016.
• Appearance at events during October (Domestic Violence Awareness Month) organized by related agencies in Metro DC area—Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse, House of Ruth, The Women’s Center and My Sister’s Place.
• To take advantage of author’s exposure as newspaper columnist, film fest announcer and artist, select event pitching in MD/DC/VA area, including several launch events—confirmed interview and reception at Gaithersburg Arts Barn, MD, a 100-seat theater, and events at bookstores in DC area.
• Pitching & coordination of select radio shows and podcast interviews, regionally, nationally, and online. Confirmed author interview at Montgomery Community Television for local TV programming, MCT website and YouTube.com.