«Submitting to my Son-In-Law» by Veronica Sloan
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Annie prides herself on being a good mother and an even better wife, but she'll have to betray her morals if she wants to save her daughter Carly's marriage. Michael, her daughter's handsome husband, wants to divorce Carly for cheating on him…unless his mother-in-law submits to his passionate lust!
~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~
“Oh, honey,” I said.
I bent down and kissed his forehead. He reached to take my hand off his cheek but I just raised my other to his neck. I wanted to hold him back, keep him from breaking away. I hated what Carly had done and wanted to comfort him. I kissed him gently on the cheek. “Mike, I'm so sorry,” I pressed my forehead against his. My hands on his cheeks, I gave him a maternal peck on the lips. “Please don't go,” I said. “Don't do something you'll regret.” He relaxed in my hands but kept his fingers curled tightly around my wrists.
«Annie…" he said.
“No,” I said. I kissed him again on the lips, trying to keep him in his chair. My bangs brushed over his nose. “Don't leave her, Mike, please, you're so good for her. She needs you.” I was whispering into his face, our foreheads touching. His hands reached for my shoulders and we rocked together. “Please,” I said. This time he pushed his mouth into mine; it was a soft kiss, a hurt kiss. It was alright, it was security. Somehow though my hands cupped his strong jaw as we rocked together. His mouth was so beautiful.
His stubbled lower lip brushed my chin. I shook my head against his face, my eyelashes brushing his eyes. His finger sifted up the hair at the back of my neck. Then he kissed my mouth.
“Just don't,” I said. “We love you. We all love you. You're a part of this family.”
“I'm leaving and I'm never coming back,” he said. His hands tightened on my shoulders.
“Then why did you come here?” I said. I was still bent over him, uncomfortably, thinking I was comforting him with my soft words and hands. But his hands wrapped around my arms and brought me closer. I was off-balance. His lips grazed my cheek, and then pushed firmly into the corner of my mouth. “I can't…” I breathed into his mouth. He pulled me forward.
“Can't what?” he murmured.
What was happening? I couldn't stop him from pulling me so instead of falling I pushed forward until I fell into his lap. Without meaning to, I straddled him on the chair. He squeezed my body against him and I had to throw my arms on his shoulders to free my arms. I could feel him begin to undue the knots of my apron. «Mike, don't…" I breathed into his mouth. I had to. Our tongues touched. I didn't know what to do but as long as I kissed him I thought he'd leave the apron alone. “Don't do something you'll regret,” I managed to gasp out as he squeezed my midsection and drew me closer to him. He reached down and pulled my skirt up. He laid warm hands over my cold thighs.
I jumped. “Mike!”
He took my face in his hands and kissed me deeply. I hadn't been kissed like that in years. But I hadn't wanted to be! This, this man in my lap was a strained ball of muscles and fury…he was dangerous. He was Mike! I kept telling myself I didn't want this, but I never pulled away when he kissed me, only kept myself at a remove so that he had to keep pressing forward into my mouth. Into my mouth. His fingers sifted into my hair and gently pulled my hair tie off. Without thinking, I ground my panties into his lap, squeezing him with my thighs. His fingernails raked my leg. “Oh my God!” I cried.
He loosened the strings of my apron and pulled it off me, between our bodies.