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High Frequency Switching Power Supplies: Theory and Design, 2nd edition, George C.Chryssis

Posted By: toksoft
High Frequency Switching Power Supplies: Theory and Design, 2nd edition, George C.Chryssis

High Frequency Switching Power Supplies: Theory and Design, 2nd edition, George C.Chryssis
McGraw-Hill Companies | English | ISBN 0070109516 | 287 pages | PDF | 29,55 MB | 1989

From capacitors to feedback loops, inputs to outputs - High-Frequency Swithching Power Supplies brings you together in one volume information you might need a whole library to find: step-by-step instructions on the theory and design of high-frequency switching power supplies expert guidance on how to follow classical mathematical circuit analysis and synthesis in-depth coverage of all the known topologies, such as push-pull, bridge converters, flyback and -forward plenty of design examples, diagrams, and specific elecctronic applications to illustrate the analyses and designs introductions to such state-of-the-art components as power FETs, PWM control chips, and output supervisory circuits all the new technologies, such as the Cuk converter - dozens of practical time-saving tips throughout.

The Essential Nostradamus: Literal translation, historical commentary, and biography, Richard Smoley, Jeremy P.Tarcher

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The Essential Nostradamus: Literal translation, historical commentary, and biography, Richard Smoley, Jeremy P.Tarcher

The Essential Nostradamus: Literal translation, historical commentary, and biography, Richard Smoley, Jeremy P.Tarcher
Penguin Group | English | ISBN 1440646287 | 317 pages | PDF | 1,38 MB | 2006

From his predictions about life and death in the Middle French court of Catherine de' Medici to his uncannily suggestive preconceptions of World War II, Michel de Nostradamus has aroused continual fascination-and commercialization-in the West. Today, many search his elliptical "centuries"-or collected verses-for new truths about 9/11 and End Times, while supermarket tabloids routinely falsify and exploit his pronouncements. What is the difference between prophecy and prediction, and how has it led to a misuse of the ideas of Nostradamus, as well as those of other post-biblical prognosticators? What is the nature of the oracular tradition in the West-stretching back to the oracle at Delphi-and how can Nostradamus be understood from this perspective? In The Essential Nostradamus, the highly regarded spiritual thinker and writer Richard Smoley provides a true sourcebook in the life and messages of one of history's most peculiar figures. This volume offers a host of advantages beyond other collections of Nostradamus's work. Many commentators on Nostradamus take liberties in their translations, further confusing the matter of what the prophetic quatrains actually said. In The Essential Nostradamus, Smoley presents a fresh, scholarly, and literal translation of Nostradamus's Middle French, allowing readers to make their own determination as to the passages' historical references and accuracy.

Гарем: История, традиции, тайны, Н.Пензер

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Гарем: История, традиции, тайны, Н.Пензер

Гарем: История, традиции, тайны, Н.Пензер
Центрполиграф | Russian | ISBN 595242855X | 303 pages | PDF | 1.77 MB | 2007

Вероятно, на Востоке нет другого такого явления, которое, с одной стороны, широко известно всему западному миру, но, с другой, смысл которого был бы столь туманен, как гарем. Впервые о нем мы слышали, вероятно, еще в детстве: это — место, где держат взаперти сотни красивых женщин только для того, чтобы они ублажали своего единственного властелина. Мы взрослеем, но наше представление о гареме почти не меняется. Возможно, мы даже узнаем о существовании там жен и наложниц, о том, какое положение они занимали в соответствии с традициями магометанства. Нам, не исключено, также удастся выяснить, что лишь немногие турки могли позволить себе иметь двух и более жен и слуг, числом более, чем кухарка- негритянка, выполнявшая к тому же всю работу по дому. Но почти каждый из нас по-прежнему думает, что султан — это старый греховодник, все свое время проводящий в окружении сотен полуобнаженных женщин в гареме, где стоит запах терпких ароматов, журчат прохладные фонтаны, тихо играет музыка и где он предается всяческим излишествам и порокам, какие только может придумать ради удовольствия своего повелителя коллективный разум ревнивых, изголодавшихся по мужчинам женщин.

Sexual Citizenship: The material construction of sexualities, David T.Evans

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Sexual Citizenship: The material construction of sexualities, David T.Evans

Sexual Citizenship: The material construction of sexualities, David T.Evans
Routledge | English | ISBN 0203720636 | 360 pages | PDF | 2.33 MB | 1993

The second half of this century has seen a pronounced escalation in the already well established sexualisation of developed capitalist societies at all structural levels, from day-to-day interactions and relationships to long-term market planning and state policy formation (Armytage et al. 1984; Gebhard 1984). Of course ‘sexuality has always been of central concern to human beings’ (Brake 1982:13) because of its associations with procreativity, its credited though usually unspecified ‘mysteries’ and apparently unsocialised animality, but never before has this concern been in explicit and coded terms, so widely and incessantly discussed, so prominently marketed and consumed, so repeatedly the site of contests over ‘permissiveness’, ‘liberation’, the pursuit or infringement of rights and freedoms.

Вольф Мессинг: Видевший сквозь время, Э.Я.Володарский

Posted By: toksoft
Вольф Мессинг: Видевший сквозь время, Э.Я.Володарский

Вольф Мессинг: Видевший сквозь время, Э.Я.Володарский
Amfora | Russian | ISBN 536700489X | 278 pages | PDF | 1,74 MB | 2009

Вольф Мессинг – одна из самых любопытных загадок XX века. Он стал знаменитым на весь мир благодаря своим уникальным способностям читать мысли, предвидеть судьбы людей, безошибочно предсказывать исторические события. Но жизнь ясновидца сложилась так, что ему не раз приходилось задумываться, божественным даром или дьявольским проклятием наделила его природа. О судьбе великого прорицателя рассказывает роман известного кинодраматурга Эдуарда Володарского.

Design of Multi-bit Delta-Sigma A/D converters, Y.Geerts, M.Steyaert, W.Sansen

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Design of Multi-bit Delta-Sigma A/D converters, Y.Geerts, M.Steyaert, W.Sansen

Design of Multi-bit Delta-Sigma A/D converters, Y.Geerts, M.Steyaert, W.Sansen
Kulwer Academic Publisher | English | ISBN 0306480158 | 236 pages | DJVU | 3.1 MB | 2002

Over the last decade, a vast evolution of communication systems was observed. The enormous popularity and expansion of the internet was a driving force for the development of broadband internet access in every home to cope with the increasing bandwidth requirements for multimedia applications. At the same time, wireless communication evolved from an analog network with large devices, to small and cheap handsets which are based on digital communication standards. The core of all these complex electronic systems consists of digital circuits which have a huge computational power and are implemented in CMOS technologies. The development of ever faster and more powerful digital cores opens the way to more complex systems with increasing demands for the analog part which has to provide an interfacing layer to the outside world. One of the crucial building blocks in the analog part is the Analog to Digital converter.

Трансформаторное масло, 3е издание, Р.А.Липштейн, М.И.Шахнович

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Трансформаторное масло, 3е издание, Р.А.Липштейн, М.И.Шахнович

Трансформаторное масло, 3е издание, Р.А.Липштейн, М.И.Шахнович
Энергоатомиздат | Russian | ISBN: N/A | 296 pages | DJVU | 5,96 MB | 1983

Приводятся данные о составе, способах очистки и производства и об эксплуатационных свойствах трансформаторных масел. Описываются присадки к маслам, повышающие их долговечность и электрофизические показатели, рассмотрены вопросы взаимного влияния масла и твердых материалов, применяемых в трансформаторостроении, а также методы защиты масла от окисления и увлажнения, сведения об отечественных и некоторых зарубежных трансформаторных маслах, об их старении в эксплуатации, порядке смешения, контроля качества и смены. Второе издание вышло в 1968 г. Третье издание переработано с учетом новейших достижений. Для инженерно-технических работников.

The Foundations of American Citizenship, Richard C.Sinopoli

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The Foundations of American Citizenship, Richard C.Sinopoli

The Foundations of American Citizenship, Richard C.Sinopoli
Oxford University Press | English | ISBN 0195070674 | 224 pages | PDF | 13.31 MB | 1992

Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote in his first published discourse that "we have physicists, geometers, chemists, astronomers, poets . . . but we no longer have citizens. In so doing, he pointed to a long-standing, probably eternal, problem of political life. How does an individual reconcile private capacities and goals with the duties—and opportunities—of public life? Rousseau's solution, by and large, consists of a campaign of education and socialization, reminiscent of the Spartans, to remind each and every member of the political community that the good of the community takes precedence over that of any of its members. If you are a poet, Rousseau suggests, your poetry should laud the country that enabled you to develop your gifts. If you are a chemist, your life's work should be put at the service of the community. Each person, is in a sense, public property. Whatever your particular gifts, you are first and foremost a citizen and, as such, you should not only serve the state in your particular occupation but should take an active part in its governance.

Dose Control at Nuclear Power Plants

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Dose Control at Nuclear Power Plants

Dose Control at Nuclear Power Plants, John W.Baum
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements | English | ISBN 0929600398 | 370 pages | PDF | 5.51 MB | 1994

This Report represents the first scientific committee effort by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) devoted solely to radiation protection at nuclear power plants. The members of the Committee represent a mixture of corporate management, operational and regulatory personnel.

Безопасность ядерных энергетических установок, О.Б.Самойлов, Г.Б.Усынин, А.М.Бахметьев

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Безопасность ядерных энергетических установок, О.Б.Самойлов, Г.Б.Усынин, А.М.Бахметьев

Безопасность ядерных энергетических установок, О.Б.Самойлов, Г.Б.Усынин, А.М.Бахметьев
Энергоатомиздат | Russian | ISBN 5283038025 | 280 pages | PDF | 12.54 MB | 1989

Подготовка специалистов к работе в области проектирования, сооружения и эксплуатации ядерных энергетических установок (ЯЭУ) невозможна сегодня без усвоения ими современных требований, способов обеспечения и методов анализа безопасности реакторов. Традиционно отдельные вопросы безопасности были рассеяны по разным курсам или входили в виде небольших разделов в такие дисциплины, как «Управление ЯЭУ», «Конструкция ядерных реакторов» и др.

Radiation and Climate, I.M.Vardavas, F.W.Taylor

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Radiation and Climate, I.M.Vardavas, F.W.Taylor

Radiation and Climate, I.M.Vardavas, F.W.Taylor
Oxford University Press | English | ISBN 0199227470 | 511 pages | PDF | 15.52 MB | 2007

Interest in the Earth’s climate is at an all–time high, due in large part to concerns that it may be changing to a degree that will soon adversely affect the habitability of the planet. This realization coincides with rapid improvements inthe tools needed to study and understand the physical processes that produce and maintain the climate, including remote–sensing instruments and observing platforms in space, and fast computers and sophisticated algorithms to analyse large amounts of data and to run advanced theoretical models (ISBN-13: 9780199227471).

Iran, Israel and Nuclear War, Anthony H. Cordesman Arleigh A. Burke

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Iran, Israel and Nuclear War, Anthony H. Cordesman Arleigh A. Burke

Iran, Israel and Nuclear War, Anthony H. Cordesman Arleigh A. Burke
Center for Strategic and International Studies | English | ISBN N/A | 77 pages | PDF | 2.19 MB | 2007

Acquire, Deploy, Fight, Impact: Future “What if” Options

Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes,W.Cary Huffman and Vara Pless

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Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes,W.Cary Huffman and Vara Pless

Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes, W.Cary Huffman and Vara Pless
Cambridge University Press | English | ISBN 0511077793 | 662 pages | DJVU | 5.23 MB | 2003

In 1948 Claude Shannon published a landmark paper "A mathematical theory of communication" that signified the beginning of both information theory and coding theory. Given a communication channel which may corrupt information sent over it, Shannon identified a number called the capacity of the channel and proved that arbitrarily reliable communication is possible at any rate below the channel capacity. For example, when transmitting images of planets from deep space, it is impractical to retransmit the images. Hence if portions of the data giving the images are altered, due to noise arising in the transmission, the data may prove useless. Shannon's results guarantee that the data can be encoded before transmission so that the altered data can be decoded to the specified degree of accuracy. Examples of other communication channels include magnetic storage devices, compact discs, and any kind of electronic communication device such as cellular telephones (ISBN2: 0521782805).

Practical Ethics, 2nd edition, Peter Singer

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Practical Ethics, 2nd edition, Peter Singer

Practical Ethics, 2nd edition, Peter Singer
Cambridge Uiversity Press | English | ISBN 0521433630 | 412 pages | PDF | 16.78 MB | 1993

Practical ethics covers a wide area. We can find ethical ramifications in most of our choices, if we look hard enough. This book does not attempt to cover this whole area. The problems it deals with have been selected on two grounds: their relevance, and the extent to which philosophical reasoning can contribute to a discussion of them (ISBN2: 052143971X).

Planar Antennas for wireless communications, Kim-Lu Wong

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Planar Antennas for wireless communications, Kim-Lu Wong

Planar Antennas for wireless communications, Kin-Lu Wong
Wiley & Sons INC. | English | ISBN 0471266116 | 314 pages | PDF | 70.34 MB | 2003

Planar antennas, including microstrip and printed antennas and other types of antennas that arc flat in appearance and have a low profile, have recently received much attention for application in cellular communication systems, such as the global system for mobile communication (GSM: 890/960 MHz), the digital communication system (DCS: 1710-1880MHz), the personal communication system (PCS: 1850-1990MHz), the universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS: 1920-2170MHz), and wireless local area networks (WLANs) in the 2.4 GHz (2400-2484MHz) and 5.2GHz (5l50-5350MHz) bands. Many novel designs of planar antennas for related applications such as internal mobile phone antennas, base-station antennas, WLAN. or Bluetooth antennas, and so on, have been reported very recently, especially since the year 2000 (ISBN-13: 9780471266112).