The Local Roads and Streets Committee of the Transportation and Development Institute, "Footprint Design Manual for Local Roads"
2010 | pages: 29 | ISBN: 0784410917 | PDF | 7,9 mb
2010 | pages: 29 | ISBN: 0784410917 | PDF | 7,9 mb
This book examines design guidance available for resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation (RRR) projects. Resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation work includes placement of additional surface material and/or other work necessary to return an existing roadway, including shoulders, bridges, the roadside, and appurtenances, to a condition of structural and functional adequacy, according to the Code of Federal Regulations. Drawing primarily on case studies of current RRR practices and analyses of safety cost-effectiveness, Footprint Design Manual for Local Roads recommends practices that encompass the entire RRR process, but with a special focus on design. Engineering judgment based on local conditions is paramount in fulfilling the tasks to improve an existing roadway and to improve safety.
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