Qi Dao - Tibetan Shamanic Qigong: The Art of Being in the Flow By Lama Somananda Tantrapa
2007 | 166 Pages | ISBN: 1434320278 | PDF | 17 MB
2007 | 166 Pages | ISBN: 1434320278 | PDF | 17 MB
In this ground-breaking book, Lama Somananda Tantrapashares the ancient wisdom of Tibetan Shamanic Qigong in a simple and practicalway. Discovering, testing and applying its principles will remarkably enhanceyour vitality with greater attentiveness, awareness and presence. It will helpyou transform and enlighten your life by developing a culture of movement thatis naturally graceful and harmonious. It will also provide you with profoundpsychological and spiritual insights into the true nature of health,relationships and other issues that teach you to approach life challenges aslearning opportunities rather than problems. By practicing Qi Dao, you will unifyyour body, mind and spirit, empowering your whole being to live in harmony withthe flow of the entire universe.Click here to order the companion DVD