The Global Environment: Science, Technology and Management By
1997 | 1303 Pages | ISBN: 352728771X | PDF | 61 MB
1997 | 1303 Pages | ISBN: 352728771X | PDF | 61 MB
These two volumes provide an authoritative overview of all the major environmental topics. Focusing on the current 'state of the art' as well as the examination of future perspectives. The first volume spotlights the basic sciences and environmental exploitation, exploring issues such as global climates, marine pollution, tourism and the environment, chemical time bombs and the ozone layer. The second volume is devoted to preventitive strategies, technology and management. Recommended techniques for environmental monitoring, waste management, responses to oil spills, ecological engineering are described, as are environmental education and international law. Volume 2 highlights strategies for solving 'man-made' environmental problems. This reference is addressed to scientists and engineers in industry and in academia, government planners and administrators, political scientists, lawyers and economists and promotes understanding between experts in various disciplines. Content: Chapter 1 The Unique Earth (pages 1–6): Jerome O. NriaguChapter 2 World in Environmental Transition (pages 7–15): Karl Georg HoyerChapter 3 The Water Cycle (pages 16–30): Malin FalkenmarkChapter 4 Climate Modeling and Prediction (pages 31–55): Lennart BengtssonChapter 5 Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Middle Atmosphere (pages 56–72): Eivind Vilhelm ThraneChapter 6 Oceans (pages 73–92): John PhillipsChapter 7 Ecosystems (pages 93–115): Sven Erik JorgensenChapter 8 Geomorphologic Systems and Climates (pages 116–134): Andrew S. GoudieChapter 9 Managing Land?Water Interactions (pages 135–164): Malin FalkenmarkChapter 10 Functions and Degradation of Wetlands (pages 165–185): Edward Maltby and Robert J. McInnesChapter 11 Impact and Sustainability of Agriculture (pages 186–206): Olle PetterssonChapter 12 Erosion and Land Degradation in Drylands and Mountains (pages 207–224): Professor Anders RappChapter 13 Current Human Impacts on Forests (pages 225–252): Lawrence S. HamiltonChapter 14 Marine and Coastal Systems (pages 253–263): Alasdair D. McIntyreChapter 15 Tourism (pages 264–275): Helene GenotChapter 16 Metals in Society (pages 276–289): Bo Bergback and Ulrik LohmChapter 17 Energy Production (pages 290–302): Lewis RobertsChapter 18 Transport and Mobility (pages 303–318): Karl G. HoyerChapter 19 Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change (pages 319–351): Bo R. DoosChapter 20 Impacts of Greenhouse Gases and Climatic Change (pages 352–368): Rik LeemansChapter 21 Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants (pages 369–385): Anne LindskogChapter 22 Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Toxic Compounds (pages 386–407): Jozef M. Pacyna and Eva Selin LindgrenChapter 23 Lake Acidification (pages 408–421): Ann WillcocksChapter 24 Forest Decline and Environmental Stress (pages 422–440): Bengt J. NihlgardChapter 25 Computation and Use of Critical Loads (pages 441–453): Jean?Paul Hettelingh, Peter A. M. de Smet and Maximilian PoschChapter 26 The Chemical Elements (pages 454–476): Eric HamiltonChapter 27 Organochlorine and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Contaminants (pages 481–497): Lawrence FishbeinChapter 28 Radionuclides (pages 498–514): Chester R. Richmond and Andrea A. RichmondChapter 29 Marine Pollution (pages 515–531): Lars FoynChapter 30 Eutrophication (pages 532–549): Deborah V. ChapmanChapter 31 Biodiversity (pages 550–566): Brian GroombridgeChapter 32 Human Health (pages 567–584): Richard HelmerChapter 33 Urban Air Pollution and Health Effects (pages 585–598): Frank MurrayChapter 34 Urban Air Pollution and the Deterioration of Buildings and Monuments (pages 599–609): Heather A. VilesChapter 35 Sound and Noise (pages 610–624): Truls GjestlandChapter 36 Wastes (pages 625–634): Ann WillcocksChapter 37 Getting the Science Right (pages 635–636): Gayl D. NessChapter 38 World Population Growth (pages 637–656): Gayl D. NessChapter 39 Industrialization and Urbanization (pages 657–670): Bengt HubendickChapter 40 Environment and Economics (pages 671–690): Martin Linde?Rahr and Thomas SternerChapter 41 Environment, Conflict and Cooperation (pages 691–704): Peter Wallensteen and Ashok SwainChapter 42 Ecophilosophy and Environmental Ethics (pages 705–723): R. J. BerryChapter 43 Air Pollution Abatement (pages 724–748): Jozef M. Pacyna and Husamuddin AhmadzaiChapter 44 Emission Control in Road Transport (pages 749–757): Karl Georg HoyerChapter 45 Collection, Treatment and Distribution of Potable Water (pages 758–773): Nigel HoranChapter 46 Wastewater Collection, Treatment, Disposal and Reuse (pages 774–796): Nigel HoranChapter 47 Principles of Waste Management (pages 797–807): Ann WillcocksChapter 48 Waste Handling in the City of Stockholm (pages 808–816): Daina Millers?DalsjoChapter 49 Recycling: Issues and Possibilities (pages 817–833): Karl Georg HoyerChapter 50 Radioactivity and Radioactive Waste (pages 834–858): William F. IsherwoodChapter 51 Industrial Emission Inventories (pages 859–867): Pieter F. J. Van der MostChapter 52 Ecological Engineering (pages 868–886): Sven Erik JorgensenChapter 53 Remedial Action Techniques for Contaminated Land (pages 887–907): Ted Meeder, Kees Versluijs, Roland Bakker and Esther SoczoChapter 54 Chemical Remediation (pages 908–926): Lawrence FishbeinChapter 55 Conservation (pages 927–945): Daniel S. HackettChapter 56 Wetland Restoration (pages 946–954): Edward Maltby and Elizabeth S. LucasChapter 57 Oil Spill Response (pages 955–972): James G. ParkerChapter 58 Global Monitoring and Reporting: A New Paradigm? (pages 973–986): Veerle VandeweerdChapter 59 Assessment and Reporting (pages 987–1000): Kurt FedraChapter 60 Modern Environmental Monitoring and Information Systems (pages 1001–1014): Bjarne SivertsenChapter 61 Information for Decision?Making and Public Awareness (pages 1015–1028): Svein TveitdalChapter 62 Geographic Information Systems (pages 1029–1041): Tor BernhardsenChapter 63 Models and Decision Support Systems (pages 1042–1052): Kurt FedraChapter 64 Monitoring Environmental Parameters in the Upper Atmosphere (pages 1053–1061): Eivind V. ThraneChapter 65 Monitoring and Surveillance of Oceans (pages 1062–1077): Alasdair D. McIntyreChapter 66 Harmonization (pages 1078–1084): Hartmut KeuneChapter 67 Keeping an Eye on Nature: Example of Integrated Monitoring (pages 1085–1097): Jon Barikmo, Ivar Myklebust and Kari Viken OlsenChapter 68 International Law and Conventions (pages 1098–1118): Lars EricssonChapter 69 Regional Legal Agreements (pages 1119–1130): Lars NordbergChapter 70 Legal, Economic and Administrative Instruments (pages 1131–1140): Harry AlbinssonChapter 71 Environmental Education (pages 1141–1150): Peter MartinChapter 72 Material Flow Accounting and Life Cycle Assessment (pages 1151–1171): H. A. Udo de Haes and E. van der VoetChapter 73 Environmental Impact Assessment (pages 1172–1184): Barry Sadler and John BaileyChapter 74 Sustainable Development (pages 1185–1205): Karl Georg HoyerChapter 75 Sustainable Urban Lifestyles (pages 1209–1221): Bjorn GuterstamChapter 76 Vision of the Future Society (pages 1222–1236): Michael EdenChapter 77 Risk Assessment and Management (pages 1237–1256): Ragnar E. Lofstedt