Divine Commander Par Excellence - Military Management in the Battles of the Prophet (s) Muhammad By Muhammad Dhāhir Watr
2019 | 290 Pages | ISBN: 1733028420 | PDF | 5 MB
2019 | 290 Pages | ISBN: 1733028420 | PDF | 5 MB
Islam was not propagated and never spread with sword in the time of Prophet Muhammad (s) Islam does not condone the idea of humiliation and subjugation by other human beings. For this reason we find that, after years of persecution at the hands of the Quraysh, the divine ordinance for battle was received by the Holy Prophet (s). Initially, some of the weaker Muslims showed hesitation at the idea of picking up weapons and fighting for their rights. Some lacked the courage while others were content being in the camp of the oppressed. However, the Prophet (s) recited to them the Holy verses wherein the believers were called to arms to protect their rights and property, and the Muslims complied. The beauty of the battles that followed was the humanity that was displayed by the Prophet (s) and his followers. Usually, when one goes to war, they tend to lose their ability of distinguishing right from wrong and many atrocities are committed by soldiers because of this. The adrenaline rush caused by life threatening situations clouds their judgment and they end up killing innocents and doing all sort of beastly things. The latest example of this is what the USA did (and continues to do) in ‘Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo.