The Magical Shield: Protection Magic to Ward Off Negative Forces By Frater U∴D∴
2016 | 288 Pages | ISBN: 0738749990 | EPUB | 1 MB
2016 | 288 Pages | ISBN: 0738749990 | EPUB | 1 MB
Neutralize the forces of darkness with holistic security magicProtect yourself against psychic attacks, energy vampires, curses, and bewitchments. The practices in this book will work no matter what your personal beliefs or convictions. With creative approaches to extremely powerful magic, these easy-to-read teachings will show you how to work with:Sigils Mantras Mudras Rituals Spiritual allies Protective entities Bodily awareness Habits Negotiation Self-assertiveness Mental models You don't have to commit to any specific religious or philosophical beliefs in order to conquer the negative energies and intentions that exist in our world. Simple to apply in everyday life with no previous experience necessary, these techniques will help you grow your spiritual awareness and develop powerful protection for the mind, body, and spirit.