Number Theory: Ramanujan Mathematical Society January 3-6, 1996 Tiruchirapalli, India By Vijaya Kumar Murty, Michel Waldschmidt, Ramanujan Mathematical Society (ed.)
1998 | 410 Pages | ISBN: 0821806068 | DJVU | 5 MB
1998 | 410 Pages | ISBN: 0821806068 | DJVU | 5 MB
To observe the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, an international conference on Discrete Mathematics and Number Theory was held in January 1996 in Tiruchirapalli, India. This volume contains proceedings from the number theory component of that conference. Papers are divided into four groups: arithmetic algebraic geometry, automorphic forms, elementary and analytic number theory and transcendental number theory. This work deals with recent progress in current aspects of number theory and covers a wide variety of topics