Analytical Methodology of Tree Microstrip Interconnects Modelling For Signal Distribution Voltage Transfer Function and S-param by Blaise Ravelo
English | EPUB | 2020 | 239 Pages | ISBN : 9811505519 | 24.89 MB
This book focuses on the modelling methodology of microstrip interconnects, discussing various structures of single-input multiple-output (SIMO) tree interconnects for signal integrity (SI) engineering. Further, it describes lumped and distributed transmission line elements based on single-input single-output (SIMO) models of symmetric and asymmetric trees, and investigates more complicated phenomenon, such as interbranch coupling.
The modelling approaches are based on the analytical methods using the Z-, Y- and T-matrices. The established method enables the S-parameters and voltage transfer function of SIMO tree to be determined. Providing illustrative results with frequency and time domain analyses for each tree interconnect structure, the book is a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and graduate students in fields of analogue, RF/microwave, digital and mixed circuit design, SI and manufacturing engineering.
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