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«Encounter at Farpoint» by David Gerrold

Posted By: Gelsomino
«Encounter at Farpoint» by David Gerrold

«Encounter at Farpoint» by David Gerrold
English | ISBN: 9780743420723 | EPUB | 0.4 MB

CAPTAIN'S LOG, STARDATE 41254.7: The U.S.S. Enterprise™ is en route to Cygnus IV – the edge of the known galaxy. There, we will rendezvous with the ship's new first officer and the other command personnel and proceed with out mission: discover the truth about Farpoint Station, a starbase facility built by the inhabitants of Cygnus IV, a starbase of unparalleled size and complexity…and infinite mystery.
And the success or failure of this, our first mission together, may well determine the course of human exploration across the galaxy for centuries to come…