«Finding the Right Path with God» by Linda Lou Johnson
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English | EPUB | 7.0 MB
This is a book about miracles. It’s the way Godcan work in your life and help you on so manylevels. This book will show the things God cando for you. Open to the possibilities of God’smiracles. Learn how to fi nd that right pathwith God. Sometimes in life we feel hopelessas we struggle to handle what life throws atus, while hoping to simply make it throughanother day. Perhaps you feel like this, likeyou’re ready to just throw in the towel. However,I believe that as you read through thisbook, you will learn that God wants you well,regardless of how deserving or undeservingyou deem yourself to be. I believe that faithwill arise in you so that the miracle you needwill no longer seem out of your reach. It willbecome tangible.