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Let's Sign Dictionary: Everyday BSL for Learners, 2nd Edition [Repost]

Posted By: Free butterfly
Let's Sign Dictionary: Everyday BSL for Learners, 2nd Edition [Repost]

Let's Sign Dictionary: Everyday BSL for Learners, 2nd Edition by smith-cath
English | 2009 | ISBN: 1905913109 | 316 pages | PDF | 20 Mb

Due to popular demand our most recommended publication of British Sign Language (BSL) vocabulary for learners is now available on Kindle for easy mobile reference on smart phone, tablet and kindle devices.

Download for immediate use. The pages are in textbook fixed format with pinch & zoom facilities, built-in notebook, flashcards for review, multicolour highlighting, dictionary, wiki and translation links.

Over 2,400 clear line-drawing graphics and an Index of over 6000 words. The book represents excellent value - for all BSL learners, classes and familes in addition to those who use sign vocabulary to support spoken communication in the field of deafness and Special Educational Needs.

Signs are ordered alphabetically with headings of meanings and captions to describe movements and includes the most commonly used regional variations.

The sign graphics contained are also available in Let's Sign BSL graphics packs for schools and families to create their own materials - published by Widgit Software - www.widgit.com/products/bsl/
in line drawings and colour versions. The graphics can be used with InPrint 3, InPrint 2 and SymWriter to quickly and easily create BSL materials and use the thousands of Widgit Symbols that the Software packages contain.

The Let's Sign illustrations show appropriate facial and non-verbal expressions crucial to all communication and to sign language in particular.

The Dictionary Introduction explains the importance of the face and non-manual features, question forms, sign variations, classifiers, directional verbs and other crucial BSL features.

The work is informed by BSL users nationwide and provides an excellent collection of sign vocabulary for all those teaching and learning BSL or using its vocabulary to support language development and communication.

* An established reference for BSL Level 1 and 2 courses
* Practical and accessible to families, baby-signers, schools and services
* Appealing to learners of all ages and abilities, deaf, hearing and special needs
* Supported by the Let's Sign Series of BSL educational materials
see www.DeafBooks.co.uk