Popular Piano Solos - Level 2: Hal Leonard Student Piano Library
by Phillip Keveren, Mona Rejino, Fred Kern
English | March 1, 1997 | ISBN: 0793577241 | 40 pages | PDF (Scan) | 12 Mb
(Educational Piano Library). This great collection of pop songs correlates with Hal Leonard Student Piano Library Piano Lessons Book 2 , and is a perfect supplementary book for all methods. Large staff notation is easy to read. Each student solo also has a teacher accompaniment. 10 songs with teacher accompaniments: Beauty and the Beast * Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead * Do You Hear the People Sing? * Edelweiss * Lean on Me * The Loco-Motion * Over the Rainbow * The Rainbow Connection * Smile * Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Level: basic note values and rests; sharps, flats and naturals; 3/4, 4/4 meter; melodic and harmonic intervals through a 5th; limited use of hands together passages. Reading range: from Bass Clef B (a 6th below Middle C), to Treble Clef B (a 7th above Middle C).
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