"Risk Management: Current Issues and Challenges" ed. by Nerija Banaitiene
InTeOp | 2012 | ISBN: 953510747X 9789535107477 | 595 pages | PDF | 16 MB
InTeOp | 2012 | ISBN: 953510747X 9789535107477 | 595 pages | PDF | 16 MB
Understanding of the risk management is vital for both practitioners and researchers. The emergence of new insights into approaches and models can help address multifaceted risk management issues.
Section 1 Approaches and Models for Risk Management
1 Biometric Solvency Risk for Portfolios of General Life Contracts (II) The Markov Chain Approach
2 Boundary-Value Problems for Second Order PDEs Arising in Risk Management and Cellular Neural Networks Approach
3 Selecting a Response Plan Under Budget Constraints
4 A Framework to Select Techniques Supporting Project Risk Management
5 Long Memory in the Volatility of Local Currency Bond Markets: Evidence from Hong Kong, Mexico and South Africa
6 Risk Management in Collaborative Systems
7 On the Very Idea of Risk Management: Lessons from the Space Shuttle Challenger
Section 2 Risk and Supply Chain Management
8 Supply Chain Security - Threats and Solutions
9 Dynamic Risk Management Strategies with Communicating Objects in the Supply Chain of Chemical Substances Within the European Union
Section 3 Enterprise Risk Management
10 IAOM(r) as an Enterprise Risk Management Metric
11 Risk Management in Business - The Foundation of Performance in Economic Organizations
12 Integrated Risk Management System - Key Factor of the Management System of the Organization
13 Integrated and Personalised Risk Management in the Sensing Enterprise
Section 4 Risk Management Practice Across Different Projects and Industries
14 Strengthening Risk Management in the Midst of Downturn Times
15 Risk Management on the Romanian Capital Market
16 Importance of Risk Analysis and Management - The Case ofAustralan Real Estate Market
17 Quality Risk Analysis: Value for Money in the Pharmaceutical Industry
18 Project and Enterprise Risk Management at the California Department of Transportation
19 Risk Management in Construction Projects
20 Sources of Risk and Risk Management Strategies: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in a Developing Economy
Section 5 Climate Risk Management
21 Improving Climate Risk Management at Local Level - Techniques, Case Studies, Good Practices and Guidelines for World Meteorological Organization Members
22 Risk Management at the Latin American Observatory
23 Managing Climate Risk with Seasonal Forecasts
with TOC BookMarkLinks