«Rudyard Kipling: The Complete Novels and Stories (Golden Deer Classics)» by Golden Deer Classics, Joseph Rudyard Kipling
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English | EPUB | 14.5 MB
Here you will find the complete novels and stories of Rudyard Kipling in the chronological order of their original publication.
– Plain Tales from the Hills (a collection of 40 short stories)
– Soldiers Three (a collection of 9 short stories)
– The Story of the Gadsbys (a collection of 8 short stories)
– In Black and White (a collection of 8 short stories)
– Under the Deodars (a collection of 8 short stories)
– The Phantom Rickshaw and other Tales (a collection of 4 short stories)
– Wee Willie Winkie and Other Child Stories (a collection of 4 short stories)
– Life's Handicap (a collection of 27 short stories)
– The Light That Failed (a novel)
– The Naulahka: A Story of West and East (a novel)
– Many Inventions (a collection of 14 short stories)
– The Jungle Book (a collection of 7 short stories)
– The Second Jungle Book (a collection of 8 short stories)
– Captains Courageous (a novel)
– The Day's Work (a collection of 13 short stories)
– Stalky & Co. (a collection of 9 short stories)
– Kim (a novel)
– Just So Stories for Little Children (a collection of 13 short stories)
– Traffics and Discoveries (a collection of 11 short stories)
– Puck of Pook's Hill (a collection of 10 short stories)
– Actions and Reactions (a collection of 8 short stories)
– Rewards and Fairies (a collection of 11 short stories)
– A Diversity of Creatures (a collection of 14 short stories)
– The Eyes of Asia (a collection of 4 short stories)
Also available :
50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die Vol: 1 (Golden Deer Classics)
50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die Vol: 2 (Golden Deer Classics)
50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die Vol: 3 (Golden Deer Classics)