«Soulful Leadership» by Mark Porteous
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English | EPUB | 0.4 MB
The people you are here to serve are Heroes. Their experience with you is much like The Hero's Journey. The Hero is called and ventures out into the unknown on a quest. There he/she discovers unimaginable challenges and obstacles. He/She also meets a guide with a map and special powers to support the Hero in overcoming their challenges and obstacles.
We are the Guides. We hold the maps and the tools needed by the Hero's we each serve. Your “Customer Journey” is a powerful tool for your clients. It is also very helpful in providing clarity for your Dream Team AND in attracting your PERFECT affiliate ambassadors. This book is designed to guide readers through the Evolutionary Path of the Soul-Connected Entrepreneur and serves as an example of how to develop Soul Affiliate Alliances and what they can look like in the New Paradigm of Business and Life.