The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla: Time Travel, Alternative Energy and the Secret of Nazi Flying Saucers by Tim R Swartz
English | February 8, 2012 | ISBN: 1606110543 | 168 pages | MOBI | 0.41 Mb
English | February 8, 2012 | ISBN: 1606110543 | 168 pages | MOBI | 0.41 Mb
NEWLY REVISED EDITION! HERE NOW – IN THIS EXPANDED WORK – ARE SOME OF THE MOST BIZARRE EXPERIMENTS CARRIED OUT BY THE WORLD'S GREATEST ELECTRICAL WIZARD UNDER THE MOST HUSH-HUSH OF CIRCUMSTANCES. EXPERIMENTS DEALING WITH. . . TIME TRAVEL, ALTERNATIVE AND FREE ENERGY, AS WELL AS A POSSIBLE NAZI "FLYING SAUCER" CONNECTION. Nikola Tesla was the genius credited for creating much of modern, electrical technology. Yet, his contributions have been largely forgotten. An examination of Nikola Tesla's lost papers – some of which were confiscated by the U.S. government after his death – shows that Tesla was interested in and experimented with many concepts that have been regarded until recently as "wild ideas." It's no surprise that Tesla was loath to speak of these kinds of interests – after all, even now these areas of study still come under fire by the majority of mainstream scientists who refuse to use their imaginations and intellect and scorn such matters with terms such as "voodoo science" and "unadulterated quackery." It is now known that there have been a number of top-secret programs that were devoted to either investigating or, shockingly enough, actively using technology based on some of Tesla's more unorthodox ideas. Both the United States and Russia have active Particle Beam and RF (radio-frequency) weaponry that has been in operation since the early 1970s – all as a result of Tesla's early 19th and 20th Century experiments. To say that there are other black budget projects involving Tesla-based research would vastly underestimate the total amount of research and development being conducted right now by many countries worldwide. And these are the projects that we know about. Who knows how many deep, dark, secret projects are being conducted right now with science that could be decades, even hundreds of years, beyond what civilian science knows about today? This work exposes such topics as: Reverse Gravity – Free Energy – Contact With Hidden Dimensions – Mysterious Radio Signals From Space – Earth Changes – Freak Weather Patterns – Electric Death Rays – UFOs – Particle Beam Weapons and much, much more.
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