AWS Certified Security - Specialty 2019
.MP4, AVC, 1920x1080, 30 fps | English, AAC, 2 Ch | 14h | 3.71 GB
Instructor: Ryan Kroonenburg
.MP4, AVC, 1920x1080, 30 fps | English, AAC, 2 Ch | 14h | 3.71 GB
Instructor: Ryan Kroonenburg
Learn about security within Amazon Web Services and pass this specialty exam.
The top issue in the IT industry right now is finding enough trained talent to run an effective IT team. The second issue is security. Amazon Web Services are addressing both of these needs by launching the AWS Security certification.
Our course is designed to help you pass this new certification and speed up your career in cloud security.
If you currently have one or more Associate level certifications, and have an interes
t in Advanced cloud security, or just want to improve your cloud AWS security skills, this is the course for you.
Obtaining this AWS security certification means you will become some of the 1st engineers world-wide to gain a specialist certification with AWS. On its own it demonstrates your Ninja-level Security skills - showing any employer you are capable of being lead engineer on complex AWS projects. Or maybe you are working towards the coveted 9/9 AWS Certification Achievement - either way, this course will deliver.
In this course we will cover all of the major areas of AWS security and associated services you'll need to know to become an AWS security specialist and obtain the certification, including:
Security Basics
Security of AWS
Security in AWS
Using AWS Security Products
Securing AWS Services
Identity and Access Management
Incident Management & Troubleshooting