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Nolwenn Le Blevennec, "La matinale"

Posted By: TimMa
Nolwenn Le Blevennec, "La matinale"

Nolwenn Le Blevennec, "La matinale"
2025 | ISBN: 2073100465 | Français | EPUB | 240 pages | 0.3 MB

La vie de Léonore de Karadec vole en éclats. Présentatrice de la première matinale télévisée de France, elle quitte le père de ses enfants pour Alexis, coprésentateur de la matinale, qui s'avère être un narcissique manipulateur et qui la quitte à son tour. Brisée, elle fugue sur l'île de Sein. Alors qu'elle commence à aller mieux, Alexis la retrouve. Tout s'écroule de nouveau. …

Kubi goal! - Flavio Stroppini

Posted By: Maroutan
Kubi goal! - Flavio Stroppini

Kubi goal! Le avventure di Kubilay Türkyilmaz, da ladro di ciliege a campione del pallone - Flavio Stroppini
Italiano | 2025 | 124 Pages | ISBN: 887713755X | EPUB | 894.52 KB

La storia di Kubilay Türkyilmaz ha qualcosa di esemplare: è la storia di un ragazzino dal nome straniero e difficile da pronunciare che sogna di raggiungere le vette del calcio europeo e che, contro ogni previsione, trasformando sconfitte e pregiudizi in «benzina motivazionale», ce la fa. Condannato a essere straniero ovunque (in Svizzera è il turco, in Turchia è lo svizzero; nella Svizzera tedesca e francese è il turco-ticinese, in Italia il turco che parla un dialetto lombardo…), Kubi si dimostra soprattutto un uomo libero e pieno di slanci, non solo calcistici.

Più grande del cielo - Virginie Grimaldi

Posted By: Maroutan
Più grande del cielo - Virginie Grimaldi

Più grande del cielo - Virginie Grimaldi
Italiano | 2025 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 8833578518 | EPUB | 1.94 MB

Elsa, quarantenne, madre del piccolo Tristan, divorziata da poco, lavora in un'agenzia di pompe funebri, dove ha il delicato ruolo di ricevere, ascoltare e consigliare i clienti, gente solitamente addolorata e smarrita se non addirittura affranta. Anche lei viene colpita dal lutto quando muore l'amato padre: è un dolore cocente, un colpo da cui non riesce a riprendersi, un'ossessione per liberarsi dalla quale non le resta altra scelta che ricorrere alle cure di uno psichiatra. Vincent, più o meno la stessa età, padre di due figlie, divorziato da poco, è uno scrittore di successo, un autore di bestseller che viene invitato in tutte le fiere e saloni del libro e ha migliaia di fan che restano in fila per ore pur di ottenere un autografo.

T.N. Alister, "Trading de cryptomonnaie"

Posted By: TimMa
T.N. Alister, "Trading de cryptomonnaie"

T.N. Alister, "Trading de cryptomonnaie"
2025 | ISBN: 2488049026 | Français | PDF | 134 pages | 19.3 MB

La Méthode Facile et Rapide pour Investir en Crypto et Générer un Revenu Passif …

Michael Light, "Pleine Lune"

Posted By: TimMa
Michael Light, "Pleine Lune"

Michael Light, "Pleine Lune"
1999 | ISBN: 2732425214 | Français | PDF | 284 pages | 60.2 MB

A l'occasion du trentième anniversaire du premier pas sur la Lune, le 20 juillet 1969, voici une sélection de photos prises à ce moment montrant le paysage lunaire dans le détail ainsi que les difficultés rencontrées et les tâches effectuées par les astronautes, du décollage à l'amerrissage. …

Alain Boudet, "Le réseau énergétique des lieux sacrés"

Posted By: TimMa
Alain Boudet, "Le réseau énergétique des lieux sacrés"

Alain Boudet, "Le réseau énergétique des lieux sacrés"
2016 | ISBN: 2858297991 | Français | PDF/DJVU | 339 pages | 31.5/9.8 MB

Une description des flux énergétiques de la planète, de leur réseau géométrique, de leur association avec les lieux sacrés édifiés par des civilisations anciennes. L'ouvrage présente l'interaction de ce réseau avec les consciences humaines et les corps énergétiques. Il délivre un message de paix et d'espoir pour l'humanité. …

Proceedings of 2021 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference: Volume II (Repost)

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Proceedings of 2021 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference: Volume II (Repost)

Proceedings of 2021 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference: Volume II by Yingmin Jia
English | PDF (True) | 2021 | 866 Pages | ISBN : 9811663238 | 111.9 MB

This book presents the proceedings of the 17th Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference, held in Fuzhou, China, on Oct 16-17, 2021. It focuses on new theoretical results and techniques in the field of intelligent systems and control. This is achieved by providing in-depth study on a number of major topics such as Multi-Agent Systems, Complex Networks, Intelligent Robots, Complex System Theory and Swarm Behavior, Event-Triggered Control and Data-Driven Control, Robust and Adaptive Control, Big Data and Brain Science, Process Control, Intelligent Sensor and Detection Technology, Deep learning and Learning Control Guidance, Navigation and Control of Flight Vehicles and so on. The book is particularly suited for readers who are interested in learning intelligent system and control and artificial intelligence. The book can benefit researchers, engineers, and graduate students.

Carbon Related Materials: Commemoration for Nobel Laureate Professor Suzuki Special Symposium at IUMRS-ICAM2017 (Repost)

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Carbon Related Materials: Commemoration for Nobel Laureate Professor Suzuki Special Symposium at IUMRS-ICAM2017 (Repost)

Carbon Related Materials: Commemoration for Nobel Laureate Professor Suzuki Special Symposium at IUMRS-ICAM2017 by Satoru Kaneko
English | EPUB | 2021 | 397 Pages | ISBN : 9811576092 | 107.2 MB

This book commemorates the “Nobel Laureate Professor Suzuki Special Symposium” at the International Union of Material Research Society–International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM2017), which was held at Kyoto University, Japan, in 2017.

Ocean Circulation and Air-Sea Interaction in the South China Sea (Repost)

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Ocean Circulation and Air-Sea Interaction in the South China Sea (Repost)

Ocean Circulation and Air-Sea Interaction in the South China Sea by Dongxiao Wang
English | PDF,EPUB | 2022 | 448 Pages | ISBN : 9811962618 | 240.9 MB

This book summarizes achievements of the study on circulation and air–sea interaction and development of the ocean observation network in the South China Sea in the last 20 years, thus serving as a comprehensive reference book to understand the dynamic environment in the SCS. It consists of seven chapters, briefly reviewing our understanding of the SCS circulation and air–sea interaction in chapter 1, then describing in detail the upper layer circulation from large scale (SCS through flow, SCS western boundary current, etc.), to meso- and submeso-scale in Chapters 2 and 5, dilute river plume and coastal upwelling over the shelf in Chapter 3, deep ocean circulation in Chapter 4, tropical cyclone activities and air–sea flux at the interface in Chapter 6, and the construction of the observation network and database in Chapter 7. Besides the basic features of these physical processes, the book also discusses their variations and fundamental dynamics. Thus, it is written in a way that meets the different information demands from researchers working in various marine related fields.

Interaktive Systeme: Band 1: Grundlagen, Graphical User Interfaces, Informationsvisualisierung (Repost)

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Interaktive Systeme: Band 1: Grundlagen, Graphical User Interfaces, Informationsvisualisierung (Repost)

Interaktive Systeme: Band 1: Grundlagen, Graphical User Interfaces, Informationsvisualisierung By Bernhard Preim
Deutsch | PDF | 2010 | 646 Pages | ISBN : 3642054013 | 105.6 MB

Wie müssen Benutzungsschnittstellen komplexer Computersysteme gestaltet werden? Wovon hängt die Effizienz der Interaktion ab? Was macht die User Experience interaktiver Produkte aus? Diesen Fragen widmet sich die grundlegend überarbeitete zweite Auflage des Buchs Interaktive Systeme. Um vielfältigen Aspekten und Trends gerecht zu werden, erscheint das Buch nun in zwei Bänden, vom Autorenteam in verständlicher, wissenschaftlich fundierter Weise geschrieben. Zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele, Handlungsempfehlungen sowie weiterführende Literaturhinweise machen das Buch sowohl für Studierende wie auch für Praktiker zu einem lesenswerten und umfassenden Kompendium.

Recent Developments in Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics (Repost)

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Recent Developments in Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics (Repost)

Recent Developments in Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics: Proceedings of International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics (ICMIR2018) by Kevin Deng
English | PDF | 2019 | 1291 Pages | ISBN : 3030002136 | 157.52 MB

This book is a collection of proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics (ICMIR2018), held in Kunming, China during May 19–20, 2018. It consists of 155 papers, which have been categorized into 6 different sections: Intelligent Systems, Robotics, Intelligent Sensors & Actuators, Mechatronics, Computational Vision and Machine Learning, and Soft Computing.

ARL Reader Planungstheorie Band 1: Kommunikative Planung - Neoinstitutionalismus und Governance (Repost)

Posted By: AvaxGenius
ARL Reader Planungstheorie Band 1: Kommunikative Planung - Neoinstitutionalismus und Governance (Repost)

ARL Reader Planungstheorie Band 1: Kommunikative Planung - Neoinstitutionalismus und Governance by Thorsten Wiechmann
Deutsch | PDF | 2019 | 365 Pages | ISBN : 3662576295 | 251.59 MB

Band 1 des ARL Readers Planungstheorie behandelt zwei der einflussreichsten planungstheoretischen Metaerzählungen des späten 20. Jahrhunderts: „Kommunikative Planung“ sowie „Neo-Institutionalismus und Governance“. Mit ihnen verbindet sich die erfolgreiche Überwindung einer technokratisch-rationalistischen Vorstellung von Planung. Kommunikation, Macht und Konflikt werden zu zentralen Kategorien der Auseinandersetzung mit der Planungsrealität.

Atlas of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (Repost)

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Atlas of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (Repost)

Atlas of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology by Henryk A. Domanski
English | PDF | 2019 | 709 Pages | ISBN : 3319769790 | 141.1 MB

This updated and expanded second edition covers all of the diagnostic areas where FNAC is used today. Each chapter follows a similar, practical format: diagnostic criteria with an emphasis of differential diagnoses; diagnostic problems and pitfalls; and relevant findings of ancillary methods. Authoritative discussions will reflect accepted international viewpoints. The interaction of the cytologist or cytopathologist with other specialists (radiologists, oncologists and surgeons) is emphasized and illustrated throughout.
With contributions from experts in the field internationally and many new colour images Atlas of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology, Second Edition provides a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to FNAC for pathologists, cytopathologists, radiologists, oncologists, surgeons and others involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with suspicious mass lesions.

Chen Yueming, "Guide illustré des plantes médicinales de la pharmacopée chinoise"

Posted By: TimMa
Chen Yueming, "Guide illustré des plantes médicinales de la pharmacopée chinoise"

Chen Yueming, "Guide illustré des plantes médicinales de la pharmacopée chinoise"
2024 | ISBN: 2759835855 | Français | PDF | 288 pages | 42.7 MB

Un guide des plantes médicinales utilisées dans la médecine traditionnelle chinoise, présentant leurs caractéristiques morphologiques, leur composition chimique, leur implantation géographique ainsi que leur utilisation pharmaceutique. …

Mary Higgins Clark, Alafair Burke, "Les enfants du guet"

Posted By: TimMa
Mary Higgins Clark, Alafair Burke, "Les enfants du guet"

Mary Higgins Clark, Alafair Burke, "Les enfants du guet"
2023 | ASIN: B0C4TNN1R3 | Français | MP3@64 kbps | 7 hrs 41 mins | 214.4 MB

Melissa, désormais avocate et podcasteuse à succès, et son frère Mike aident leur mère Nancy Harmon à s'installer dans les Hamptons. Quand Riley, la belle-fille de Melissa, disparaît, Mike et elle, s'inspirant de l'expérience de leur propre enlèvement, se lancent dans une course contre la montre. …