Learning to Reason: An Introduction to Logic, Sets, and Relations by Nancy Rodgers
English | PDF | 2000 | 449 Pages | ISBN : 047137122X | 17.8 MB
Learn how to develop your reasoning skills and how to writewell-reasoned proofs
Learning to Reason shows you how to use the basic elements ofmathematical language to develop highly sophisticated, logicalreasoning skills. You'll get clear, concise, easy-to-followinstructions on the process of writing proofs, including thenecessary reasoning techniques and syntax for constructingwell-written arguments. Through in-depth coverage of logic, sets,and relations, Learning to Reason offers a meaningful, integratedview of modern mathematics, cuts through confusing terms and ideas,and provides a much-needed bridge to advanced work in mathematicsas well as computer science. Original, inspiring, and designed formaximum comprehension, this remarkable book:
* Clearly explains how to write compound sentences in equivalentforms and use them in valid arguments
* Presents simple techniques on how to structure your thinking andwriting to form well-reasoned proofs
* Reinforces these techniques through a survey of sets–thebuilding blocks of mathematics
* Examines the fundamental types of relations, which is "where theaction is" in mathematics
* Provides relevant examples and class-tested exercises designed tomaximize the learning experience
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