Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory By Robert Gilman, Alexei G. Myasnikov, Vladimir Shpilrain, Sean Cleary (ed.)
2002 | 290 Pages | ISBN: 0821828223 | DJVU | 3 MB
2002 | 290 Pages | ISBN: 0821828223 | DJVU | 3 MB
This volume grew out of two AMS conferences held at Columbia University (New York, NY) and the Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, NJ) and presents articles on a wide variety of topics in group theory. Readers will find a variety of contributions, including a collection of over 170 open problems in combinatorial group theory, three excellent survey papers (on boundaries of hyperbolic groups, on fixed points of free group automorphisms, and on groups of automorphisms of compact Riemann surfaces), and several original research papers that represent the diversity of current trends in combinatorial and geometric group theory. The book is an excellent reference source for graduate students and research mathematicians interested in various aspects of group theory