"Antenna Arrays and Beam-formation" ed. by Modar Shbat
ITexLi | 2017 | ISBN: 953513146X 9535131451 9789535131458 9789535131465 | 108 pages | PDF | 14 MB
ITexLi | 2017 | ISBN: 953513146X 9535131451 9789535131458 9789535131465 | 108 pages | PDF | 14 MB
The book aims, besides introducing up-to-date contributions that are not readily available in the related literature, to present and demonstrate the recent research ideas in the field of antenna array design and beam-forming algorithms in a synthetic, coherent, and unified manner for the interested researchers. The presented topics range from relatively straightforward mathematical analysis and derivations to simulation and empirical results.
Spatial processing and smart antenna beam formation are considered as completely essential approaches to be employed for forthcoming progress in the standards and implementation of the wireless communication systems.
The book is designed to serve as an informative reference for the researcher involved in the analysis of the spatial signal processing techniques for smart antenna systems.
The book will help the readers, in particular wireless communication researchers, to have wider futuristic and innovative visions for the advances in the field.
1 Introductory Chapter: Smart Antennas and Beam-formation
2 The Design of a 360°-Switched-Beam-Base Station Antenna
3 Compressive Reflector Antenna Phased Array
4 Detect and Pointing Algorithms Performance for a 2D Adaptive Antenna Array
5 Beamformer Based on Quaternion Processes
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