Transmitter & Receiver Design Architectures for RF Systems
Duration: 4h 47m | .MP4 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 1.59 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
Duration: 4h 47m | .MP4 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 1.59 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
RF Transceiver Design Methods: Direct Conversion, Hetrodyne, Dual Conversion, Sliding IF, Image Reject, Zero IF & Low IF
What you'll learn:
Radio Frequency (RF) Transceiver architectures
Direct Conversion Transmitter and Receivers
Superheterodyne Receivers and Transmitters
Dual Conversion IF Receivers,
Sliding IF Receivers
Image Reject Receivers (Hartley and Weaver Architectures)
Zero Second IF Receivers
Low IF Receiver
Complete Understanding of RF fundamentals
RF Signals are widely used in wireless communication, automation and the rapidly emerging phenomenon of Internet of Things (Iot) making RF technology essential in any device. This course describes and discusses key performance aspects of RF and wireless transceiver architectures. In this course you will learn about these types of RF transceiver architectures:
Direct Conversion Transmitter and Receivers
Hetrodyne Transmitter And Receivers
Dual Conversion IF Receiver
Sliding IF Receivers
Zero Second IF Receiver
Image Reject Receivers (Hartley & Weaver)
Low IF Receivers
We will also study from the design perspective what are the drawbacks and the advantages of different architectures in a comparative manner, highlighting the design choices in different scenarios.
This online RF and microwave course is ideal for new entrants to the field of RF and microwave engineering. Students and job seekers will also find the course beneficial since it covers areas likely to arise during a technical interview. Technical sales engineers and technical managers who need to improve their understanding of RF and microwave communications in order to better manage projects. The contents of this course are:
Section 1: Introduction Modulation and Demodulation: Fundamental Requirement for RF Communication Amplitude Modulation in Time and Frequency Domain Amplitude Demodulation in Time and Frequency Domain The Bigger Picture: Transmitter Block Diagram The Bigger Picture-Receiver Block Diagram Quadrature Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) Modulation Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) Demodulation Difference Between Frequency Band and Channel General Considerations for Narrow channel Bandwidth on Transmitter Side Considerations for Narrowband Receiver Side: Channel Selection Vs Band Selection
Section 2: RF Receiver Architectures Direct Conversion Receivers Drawbacks of Direct Conversion Receivers-Local Oscillator Leakage Local Oscillator Leakage Cancellation Technique Drawback of Direct Conversion Receivers: DC Offsets Cancellation of DC Offsets Using AC Coupling Draw Back Of Direct Conversion Receiver: Sensitivity to Even-Order Distortion Lecture 18:Solution to Even-Order Distortion Drawbacks of Direct Conversion Receiver: Effect of Flicker Noise I/Q Mismatch in Direct Conversion Receivers Analysis of I/Q Mismatch Analysis I/Q Mismatch with Gain Error Effect of I/Q Mismatch In presence of Phase Error Computation and Correction I/Q Mismatch Hetrodyne Receiver Architecture How A Heterodyne Receiver Receives Different Channels In a Given Frequency Band? Advantages of Hetrodyne Receiver Over Direct Conversion Receiver Problem of Image Frequency in Hetrodyne Receivers An Example of Image High Side and Low Side Injection Image Frequency Example 1 Image Frequency Example 2 Image Reject Filter Image Rejection Vs Channel Selection Trade-off in Hetrodyne Receivers Is Image Reject Filter Required In Absence Of Interferers? Dual Conversion IF Receiver Dual Conversion Receiver Noise Figure And Linearity Considerations Problems of Mixing Spurs in Dual Conversion Receivers Example Showing Effect Of Mixing Spurs Advantages and Disadvantages Of Dual Conversion IF Receivers Modern Hetrodyne Receivers Secondary Image Problem in Modern Dual Conversion Receivers Zero Second IF Receivers Demodulation of Symmetric Vs Asymmetric Signals in Zero 2nd IF Receivers Zero 2nd IF Receiver With Quadrature Downconversion for Asymmetric Signals Advantages of Zero Second IF Receivers Sliding IF Receivers Sliding IF Receivers: Divide by 2 Circuit Sliding IF Receivers: Divide by 4 Circuit Comparison of Divide by 2 and Divide by 4 Sliding IF Receivers Example: Sliding IF Receiver type for 802.11g Dual Band Zero Second IF Receiver Image Reject Receivers Phase Shift in Cosine Signal 90 Degree Phase Shift in Modulated Signal How to Implement 90 degree Phase Shift: RC-CR Network? 90 degree Phase Shift using Quadrature Downconversion with High Side Injection 90 degree Phase Shift using Quadrature Downconversion with Low Side Injection Hartley Image Reject Receiver Architecture Realization of 90 Degree Phase Shift in Hartley Architecture Disadvantages of Hartley Image Reject Receiver Weaver Image Reject Receiver Architecture Secondary image problem in Weaver Architecture and Its Solution Low IF Receiver Architectures Image Rejection in Low IF Receivers
Section 3:RF Transmitter Architectures Characteristics of an RF Transmitter Direct Conversion Transmitters I/Q Mismatch in QPSK Direct Conversion Modulator I/Q Mismatch Quantification I/Q Mismatch Calibration-Phase Mismatch Removal I/Q Mismatch Calibration-Gain Mismatch Removal Effect Of Carrier Leakage in Direct Conversion Transmitters Reduction Of Carrier Leakage Effect of Mixer Non-Linearity in Direct Conversion Transmitters Effect of Non-Linearity in Power Amplifier and its Solution Problem Of Oscillator Pulling in Direct Conversion Transmitters and its Solution Solutions to Oscillator Pulling using Frequency Divider and Frequency Doubler Solution to Oscillator Pulling Using Mixing Single SideBand (SSB) Mixing To Solve Oscillator Pulling Corruption From Harmonics in Single SideBand (SSB) Mixing SSB Mixing To Generate Quadrature Output Direct Conversion Tx Using SSB Mixing Hetrodyne Transmitters Sliding IF Hetrodyne IF Transmitter Carrier Leakage In Hetrodyne Transmitters Problem of Mixing Spurs in Hetrodyne Tx Due To Local Oscillator Harmonics Use of SSB Mixing to Suppress the Unwanted Sidebands in Hetrodyne Transmitters On-off Keying (OOK) Transmitter and Receiver
Section 4:RF Transceiver Architectures What is an RF Transceiver? Time Division Duplexing (TDD) Transceiver Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD) Transceiver Tx-Rx Leakage in FDD Transceiver
Who this course is for:
Wireless Design Engineers
RF Design Engineers
Radio Frequency enthusiasts
Electrical & Electronic Engineers
Microwave Technicians and Engineers
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