Mathematical Logic and Its Applications by Dimiter G. Skordev
English | PDF | 1987 | 365 Pages | ISBN : 1461282349 | 31.5 MB
The Summer School and Conference on Mathematical Logic and its Applications, September 24 - October 4, 1986, Druzhba, Bulgaria, was honourably dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of Kurt Godel (1906 - 1978), one of the greatest scientists of this (and not only of this) century. The main topics of the Meeting were: Logic and the Foundation of Mathematics; Logic and Computer Science; Logic, Philosophy, and the Study of Language;
Kurt Godel's life and deed. The scientific program comprised 5 kinds of activities, namely: a) a Godel Session with 3 invited lecturers b) a Summer School with 17 invited lecturers c) a Conference with 13 contributed talks d) Seminar talks (one invited and 12 with no preliminary selection) e) three discussions The present volume reflects an essential part of this program, namely 14 of the invited lectures and all of the contributed talks. Not presented in the volltme remai ned si x of the i nvi ted lecturers who di d not submi t texts: Yu. Ershov - The Language of !:-expressions and its Semantics; S. Goncharov - Mathematical Foundations of Semantic Programming; Y. Moschovakis - Foundations of the Theory of Algorithms; N. Nagornyj - Is Realizability of Propositional Formulae a GBdelean Property; N. Shanin - Some Approaches to Finitization of Mathematical Analysis; V. Uspensky - Algorithms and Randomness - joint with A. N.
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