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"404 Self-Improvement Tips: Ultimate Collection of Tips & Tactics To Increase The Quality Of Your Life" by Bob Bastian

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"404 Self-Improvement Tips: Ultimate Collection of Tips & Tactics To Increase The Quality Of Your Life" by Bob Bastian

"404 Self-Improvement Tips: Ultimate Collection of Tips & Tactics To Increase The Quality Of Your Life" by Bob Bastian
BB, OWMarketing / CreateSpace Independent Publishing | 2010 | ISBN: 1456414151 9781456414153 | 119 pages | PDF/epub | 5/3 MB

Just one of the 404 self-improvement tips will help you save more money, improve a relationship, get a healthier body, and create success in life and business!

Table of Contents
This eBook is divided into four sections - each part consist of 101 tips:
Part 1 - 101 Money Saving Tips
1. Holiday Gift Giving
2. Clearance
3. Thrift / Surplus Stores
4. Wrapping Paper and Bows
5. Reuse
6. Landscaping
7. Budget
8. Plan
9. Buy in Bulk
10. Allowance
11. What Matters to You
12. Setting Goals
13. Be Realistic
14. Flexibility
15. Insurance
16. Coupons
17. Credit Cards
18. Mortgage Payment
19. Credit Card Interest
20. Patience
21. Financial Consulting
22. Break old Habits
23. Avoid Temptations
24. The Right Time to Shop
25. Make your Own Gifts
26. Barter System
27. Matinee
28. Comparison Shop
29. Stop Competing with the Jones'
30. Sales Clerk Compliments
31. Incentives - Reward Plan
32. Dollar Stores
33. Don't Give up the Good Stuff
34. Utilities
35. Check the Garbage
36. Written Plan
37. Attitude
38. Unsecured Creditors
39. Off-Season
40. Buy versus Rent or Lease
41. Buffet Meals
42. Cable Networking
43. Proper Maintenance
44. Company Stock /40IK
45. Family Haircuts
46. Wants versus Needs
47. Refinance
48. Go Generic
49. Stock Up
50. Shopping for Clothes
51. Car poo I
52. Trendy Fashion
53. Free Entertainment
54. Telephone / Mobile Phone
55. Home Remedies
56. Pay on Time
57. Insulation
58. Cancel Subscriptions
59. Consolidate your Errands
60. Sell your Stuff
61. Turn your Hobby into Money
62. Recycle
63. Heating and Cooling
64. Shop Online
65. Consignment Shops
66. Selling your Home
67. Stay out of the Malls
68. Car Shopping
69. Check Receipts and Statements
70. Challenge the DoctoryHospital
71. Overdraft Protection
72. Bank Accounts
73. Organization
74. Good Health
75. Automobile Care
76. Vacations
77. Annual Maintenance
78. Borrowing Money
79. Repair versus Replace
80. Dining Out
81. Plan Menus
82. Coordinate Efforts
83. Computer Software
84. Life Satisfaction
85. Live Within your Means
86. Appropriate Deductions
87. Christmas Fund
88. Previously Viewed
89. Dinner Guests
90. Instant Messaging / Microphone
91. Long Distance Ca 11 inglf
92. Freeze Foods
93. Ball Games
94. Discount Books
95. Baby Food
96. Squelch the Smoking
97. Rebate Programs
98. Seasonal Buys
99. Pocket Change
100. Freebies
101. See your Successes
Part 2 - 101 Success Tips: Ways To Create Huge Success In Life and Business
102. Realize your Potential
103. Don't Look Back
104. Dare to Dream
105. Business Plan
106. Don't Give Up
107. Have an Unstoppable Attitude
108. Stop the Complaining
109. Focus on Something you Like
110. Change your Circumstances
111. Have a Plan
112. Accept Responsibility
113. Be Happy
114. No Shortcuts
115. Have Courage
116. Be Excited to Learn
117. Share your Success
118. Seek Input
119. Toxic Poisoning
120. Be a Good Listener
121. Birds of a Feather
122. Little Red Engine
123. Be Proactive
124. Stay Motivated
125. Give Yourself a Break
126. Be Passionate
127. Don't Settle
128. No Excuses
129. Getting Past Fear of Failure
130. Patience and Dues
131. Good Time / Resource Management
132. Make Opportunities
133. Attitude
134. Be Thankful
135. Keep a Journal
136. Rewards
137. Watch for Scams
138. Focus on the Big Picture
139. Make the Best of Each Day
140. Make the Process and Adventure
141. Don't Neglect Things
142. Offer Praise
143. Set Daily Goals
144. Collaborate with Others
145. Customer Relations
146. Repositioning and Reflection
147. Accept Responsibility
148. Community
149. Record Keeping
150. Get out of Debt
151. Read
152. Location, Location, Location
153. Good Habits
154. Be Open to Improvement
155. Take Notes
156. Take care of Yourself
157. Take Good Notes
158. Participate
159. Be Serious
160. Study Time
161. Apply What You Learn
162. Provide Yourself Time
163. Set Realistic Goals
164. Talk About It
165. Don't Make Quick Decisions
166. Avoid Stress
167. Learn How to Delegate
168. Be a Problem Solver
169. Conduct Research
170. Offer a Guarantee
171. Get Excited
172. Expand your Mind
173. Be a Strong Leader
174. Be Logical
175. Give 100% Effort
176. Take Classes
177. Understand your Goal
178. Raise your Standards
179. Unconscious Power
180. Paint a Picture
181. Develop Uniformity
182. Just Do It
183. Identify Procrastinations
184. Want Versus Need
185. Be Independent
186. Economic Value
187. Learn a New Skill
188. Appreciate Life
189. The Right Marketing
190. Believe
191. Know your Customers
192. Plan your Costs
193. Timing is Everything
194. Keep it Lean
195. Get the Word Out
196. Guard your Emotions
197. Be Nice
198. Break Bad Habits
199. Improve Efficiency
200. Have Balance in your Life
201. Have Fun
202. Face your Weaknesses
Part 3 - 101 Health & Fitness Tips: Ways to Get in Better Shape and Stay That Way!
203. Acupuncture
204. Biofeedback
205. Therapeutic Massage
206. Eat Less Later in the Day
207. Saucy but Healthy
208. Supplements and Vitamins
209. Eliminate Stress
211. Laugh it Off
212. Nutrition
213. Yoga
214. Stop Smoking
215. Mixing Medications
216. Drink Wisely
217. Young at Heart
218. Regular Checkups
219. Cholesterol Levels
220. Meditate
221. Listen to ME
222. Body Fat
223. Read the Label
224. Water
225. Seatbelts
226. Do Not Forget the Teeth
227. Attitude
228. Fighting Cancer
229. Be Careful with the Sun
230. Tasty Almonds
231. Wash your Hands
232. Flaxseed
233. Give your Eyes a Rest
234. Watch the Sugar
235. Throw out the Scales
236. Sunscreen
237. Aspirin versus Ibuprofen
238. Berries, Berries, Berries
239. Some like it Hot
240. Beware of Allergies/Reactions
241. Breast Exams
242. Asthmatics and Sports
243. Fragrance and Aging
244. Circulation and Lymph Glands
245. Make Time for Intimacy
246. No More Caffeine
247. Stick with Whole Wheat
248. What are Flavonoids?
249. Green Tea
250. Sodium
251. Family History
252. Puffy Eves
253. Control those Cravings
254. Bicycling
255. Jogging or Walking
256. Swimming
257. Tennis Anyone
258. Dancing
259. VCR
260. Abdominal Crunches
261. Squats
262. Tricep Press
263. Get to the Gym
264. Eat More
265. Network at the Gym
266. Tight Muscles
267. Heat Therapy
268. Before it’s a Problem
269. Running in the Sand
270. Quick Energy
271. Quality Matters
272. Get Ready to Run
273. Increased Protein
274. Asthma and Exercise
275. Resistance
276. Taking a Break
277. Exercise and Summer
278. Be Realistic
279. Envision Success
280. Pregnancy and Exercise
281. Track Progress
282. Medication and Exercise
283. Cool Down
284. Walk the Dog
285. Lunchtime
286. Bowling
287. Set Goals
288. Neurobics
289. Fitness and Food
290. Interval Training
291. After Exercise
292. Breath in - Breath out
293. Circle of Friends
294. Know your Age
295. Diabetes and Exercise
296. Golf Injuries
297. Stretch the Mind
298. Proper Equipment
299. Beauty is Skin Deep
300. Built-in Air-Conditioner
301. Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke
302. Check your Pulse
303. Safety First
Part 4 - 101 Romance Tips: Ways to Build Happy, Lasting Relationships
304. Start Over
305. Schedule Time
306. The Power of Touch
307. Surprise
308. Needed Space
309. No Debates
310. Filler Talk
311. Re-establish Old Traditions
312. Predictability
313. Lighten Up
314. Communicate
315. A Night of Passion
316. Dinner Party
317. Happy Birthday
318. Secret Getaway
319. Special Greeting
320. Just Because
321. Say it with Words
322. Cuddle Time
323. Breakfast in Bed
324. Make the Men Feel Good
325. Make the Women Feel Good
326. That Kiss
327. Be Kind to One Another
328. Special Hobby
329. Listen - Really Listen
330. Be a Kid
331. All Decked Out
332. Showing Love
334. Love Means Having to Say You Are Sorry
335. Be Yourself
336. Maintain Your Health
337. Compliment - A Lot
338. Realistic Expectations
339. Leave the Baggage Behind
340. Do Not Repeat, Do Not Repeat, Do Not Repeat
341. Go on a Date
342. Memory Box
343. Keep the Kids Out of It
344. Listen to How You Talk
345. Making Love
346. Turn the Computer Off
347. Follow Tradition
348. Control Your Anger
349. Financial Woes
350. I Forgive You
352. Strong Family Ties
353. Mentoring
354. 12-Month Calendar
355. Something Handmade
356. Favorite Meal
357. Trip to the Pound
358. Day at the Movies
359. A Walk in the Park
360. Name a Star
361. Coupon Book
362. Dinner by the Fire
363. Scavenger Hunt
364. Photo Album
365. The Art of Gift Giving
366. Family History
367. A Day at the Spa
368. Charity
369. Thunderstorms
370. Take Pride in Yourself
371. No Jealousy Allowed
372. Keep in Touch
373. Host a Halloween Party
374. Special Music
375. New Adventures
376. Adopt a Family
377. Getting Married
378. Motivate Each Other
379. Embrace Change
380. Reap What You Sow
381. Board Games
382. No Interference
383. Adore your Mate
384. Follow Your Instincts
385. Be Creative
386. Make Eye Contact
387. Learn More about Your Mate
388. Change Routines
389. Dance
390. Sunrise/Sunset
391. Explorations
392. To Tell or Not to Tell
393. Respect Privacy
394. No Place for Abuse
395. Open Your Eyes
396. The Grass is NOT Greener!
397. Start a Journal
398. Be Flexible
399. Cut out the Excuses
400. Spirituality
401. Learn to be Successful
402. Work and Home Do Not Mingle
403. Encourage Friendships
404. Confidentiality

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