Linear Algebra and Group Theory for Physicists, Second Edition By K. N. Srinivasa Rao
English | PDF | 601 Pages | ISBN : 818593164X | 34.44 MB
This introduction to Linear Algebra and Group Theory will, it is hoped, serve as a stepping stone to students of Physics, in particular of Theoretical Physics and possibly also of Mathematics, who wish to pur- sue advanced study and research. The first few chapters on elementary Group Theory and Linear Vector Spaces are included to make the book self-contained and mayaIso be used as instructional material for grad- uate and under-graduate classes. Since there are several good books on application of Group Theory to Physical Problems, the emphasis here is almost entirely on the theory which is presented with enough care and detail to enable the student to acquire a reasonably sound grasp of the fundamentals.Of the topics discussed in this book special mention may perhaps be made of the representation of Theory of Linear Associative Algebras. With a fuIl analysis of the ideal resolution and the determination of the irreducible representations of the Dirac and Kemmer algebras, the repre- sentations of the symmetrie group via Young tableaux with application to the construction of the symmetry classes of tensors useful in the study of assemblies of identical particles, a systematic derivation of the 32 crys- taIlographic point-groups, and exhaustive discussion of the structure and representations of the Lorentz group and abrief introduction to Dynkin diagrams in the classification of Lie groups. Wigner's derivation of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, with a minor simplification has also been included in an Appendix to Chapter 8 on the Rotation group and its representations.