"Organismal and Molecular Malacology" ed. by Sajal Ray
ITOe | 2017 | ISBN: 9535133063 9535133055 9789535133056 9789535133063 | 228 pages | PDF | 13 MB
ITOe | 2017 | ISBN: 9535133063 9535133055 9789535133056 9789535133063 | 228 pages | PDF | 13 MB
The book represents the current trend of research in basic and applied malacology. This book represents a rich source of malacological information for the scientists, teachers and students.
In the section "Organismal Malacology", high-impact articles were contributed in the frontier areas of taxonomy, ecology and aquaculture of molluscs. Importance of mussel in water quality monitoring was highlighted. Biology and conservation of keystone molluscs were discussed from organismal point of view.
"Cellular and Molecular Biology" section contains informative chapters on toxin-induced differential gene expression, spatiotemporal neural activity in olfactory processing in slug and immunity of hydrothermal vent molluscs. Biochemistry of cellulose degradation, lipid profile and C-reactive protein were elucidated in detail in separate chapters.
1 Ecology, Fishery and Aquaculture in Gulf of California, Mexico: Pen Shell Atrina maura (Sowerby, 1835)
2 Possible Poecilogony Due to Discontinuous Multifactorial Inheritance in Some Mediterranean Species of Raphitoma (Mollusca, Conoidea, Raphitomidae)
3 Mussel as a Tool to Define Continental Watershed Quality
4 Patellid Limpets: An Overview of the Biology and Conservation of Keystone Species of the Rocky Shores
5 Freshwater Mussels Exposed to Arsenic and Sulfate Show Contrasting Patterns of Gene Expression
6 Spatiotemporal Neural Activities Involved in the Olfactory Processing of the Land Slug using Fluorescent-Imaging Technique
7 Lipid Composition Modifications in the Blue Mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) from the White Sea
8 An Insightful Model to Study Innate Immunity and Stress Response in Deep‐Sea Vent Animals: Profiling the Mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus
9 Gut Microbiome Analysis of Snails: A Biotechnological Approach
10 The Uniqueness of Achatina fulica in its Evolutionary Success
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