"Diabetes Food Plan" ed by Viduranga Waisundara
ITExLi | 2018 | ISBN: 1789232759 9781789232752 1789232740 9781789232745 | 197 pages | PDF | 8 MB
ITExLi | 2018 | ISBN: 1789232759 9781789232752 1789232740 9781789232745 | 197 pages | PDF | 8 MB
This book focuses on interventions concerning glycemic control, the oxidative stress-based occurrence of the disease and its prevention, as well as novel remedies. While many books have been published recently on this aspect, the book aims to serve as an update to the scientific community, as well as to those who have been adversely affected by the disease.
Diabetes is a global pandemic where many remedies have been recommended as means of combating the prevalence of this disease. However, dietary control appears to be more effective than others.
There are many unexplored territories when it comes to diabetes, and it is hoped that this publication will open up new avenues of successfully curbing its occurrence.
1 Introductory Chapter: The Need for Dietary Interventions for Diabetes
2 The Microbiome and the Epigenetics of Diabetes Mellitus
3 Dietary Recommendations for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes
4 Antidiabetic and Safety Properties of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Corchorus olitorius in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats
5 Low-Carbohvdrate High-Fat fLCHF) Diet: Evidence of Its Benefits
6 Trace Elements Modulates Oxidative Stress in Type 2 Diabetes
7 Savior of Diabetes: Antioxidants
8 Influence of Glycaemic Control on Cognitive Function in Diabetic Children and Adolescents
9 Medical Nutrition Therapy for Special Groups with Diabetes Mellitus
10 Exercise and Diabetes Mellitus
11 New Insights into Alleviating Diabetes Mellitus: Role of Gut Microbiota and a Nutrigenomic Approach
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