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Ofelas (1987)

Posted By: nobodynowhere
Ofelas (1987)

Ofelas (1987)
DVDRip | 2 audio tracks : Sami, Russian (+ Subtitles in many languages) | 1:22:47 |XVID Mpeg-4, 1063 kbps, 25.0 fps, 640x272 (2.21:1) | MPEG Layer-3, 120 kbps, 48 kHz, 2 channels | 776 MB
Genre : Adventure

Original title : Ofelas English title : Pathfinder Director : Nils Gaup Main actors : Mikal Gaup, Nils Utsi, Svein Scharffenberg, Helgi Skulason, Sverre Porsanger Country : Norway Year of production : 1987 The story is set in 10th-century Lapland. Teen-aged Mikkel Gaup, after watching his family being slaughtered by the bloodthirsty Tchude tribe, takes refuge in a small, peaceful village. He tries to warn the residents of the cruelties of the Tchudes; as a result, half the villagers take to the hills, while the other half elect to stay and stand their ground. The Tchudes make short work of the villagers, then take Gaup prisoner. He pretends to agree to lead the Tchudes towards the other villagers, but is able to turn the tables before it's too late. Inspired by an ancient legend, Pathfinder is filmed in near-documentary fashion, bringing the past so vividly alive that the audience is tempted to look over its shoulder to see if Tchudes are poised to attack in the lobby of the theatre. Norwegian director Nils Gaup used the landscape of Finland as his backdrop in Pathfinder. Though nominated for a best foreign picture Oscar in 1987, the film was not given a general US release until 1990.


Titre original : Ofelas Titre français : Le Passeur Réalisateur : Nils Gaup Acteurs principaux : Mikal Gaup, Nils Utsi, Svein Scharffenberg, Helgi Skulason, Sverre Porsanger. Pays : Norvège Année de production : 1987 Année de sortie : 1988 Il y a quelque mille ans en Laponie. Aigin, adolescent de retour de la chasse, retrouve toute sa famille massacree par un groupe de guerriers tchudes. Repere, il parvient a s'enfuir et trouve refuge dans un campement lapon voisin. Cependant, blesse, il a laisse des traces derriere lui. Certains hommes de la tribu lui reprochent de les avoir mis en danger et decident de s'enfuir. Aigin reste seul, bien decide a venger sa famille. Quelques heures plus tard, des Lapons reviennent pour l'aider, mais ils sont a nouveau massacres. Aigin propose alors un marche aux Tchudes.

Ofelas (1987)

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Subtitles in CZ, DE, EN, ES, FR, PL, PT, RU, SR, TR are available here / Les sous-titres sont disponibles ici.