La Compagnia del Madrigale - Gesualdo: Secondo Libro di Madrigali (2019)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 291 Mb | Total time: 67:39 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Glossa | GCD 922809 | Recorded: 2018
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 291 Mb | Total time: 67:39 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Glossa | GCD 922809 | Recorded: 2018
The Second Book of Madrigals of Carlo Gesualdo provides the focal point for the latest in La Compagnia del Madrigale’s stunning reappraisals of the glories of the Italian madrigal on Glossa.
Probably written by Gesualdo between the time of the double honour killing of his first wife and her lover and his subsequent remarriage, the second book presents a sophisticated compositional mastery quite in keeping with the later books, albeit offering a calmer and gentler approach compared to the more tortured and twisted musical and psychological turns found in the last books.
Notwithstanding, much is required from the singers on the Secondo libro di madrigali a cinque voci and La Compagnia del Madrigale bring their muchpraised sensitivity to the text, balance of ensemble and dynamic control.
In the booklet, both Marco Bizzarini and Giuseppe Maletto investigate the state of mind of this fascinating composer, over four centuries since his death. The substantial second part to this recording offers a set of contrasts with Book 2: nine tracks devoted to madrigalists inspired by Gesualdo’s style, from contemporaries in Nenna, Macque and Palazzotto Tagliavia to the later Sigismondo d’India. A veritable bonus!
La Compagnia del Madrigale:
Rossana Bertini, soprano
Francesca Cassinari, soprano
Elena Carzaniga, alto
Giuseppe Maletto, tenor
Raffaele Giordani, tenor
Daniele Carnovich, bass
Track List:
Carlo Gesualdo (1566-1613)
Secondo Libro di Madrigali, Ferrara, 1594
01. Se per lieve ferita
02. Non mi toglia il ben mio
03. Se così dolce è il duolo
04. Se taccio, il duol s’avanza
05. Caro amoroso neo
06. Candida man qual neve
07. Non è questa la mano
08. Dalle odorate spoglie
09. In più leggiadro velo
10. All’apparir di quelle luci
11. Hai rotto e sciolto
12. O come è gran martire
13. Sento che nel partire
14. Non mai, non cangerò
Pomponio Nenna (1556- 1608)
15. Mercè, grido piangendo [V Libro a 5, 1605]
Giovanni de Macque (c. 1548- 1614)
16. Tu ti lagni al mio pianto [VI Libro, 1613]
Pomponio Nenna
17. Oimè mi scacci [V Libro a 5, 1605]
18. Sospir, baci e parole [VII Libro a 5, 1609]
Giovanni de Macque
19. La mia doglia s’avanza [VI Libro, 1613]
Pomponio Nenna
20. Ecco, o dolce, o gradita [VI Libro a 5, 1607]
Giuseppe Palazzotto Tagliavia (1583-before 1653)
21. Ancidetemi cruda [II Libro, 1620]
Sigismondo d’India (c. 1582- 1629)
22. Ecco morirò dunque [VII Libro, 1624]
Carlo Gesualdo
23. O dolorosa gioia [V Libro, 1611]
Exact Audio Copy V1.5 from 20. February 2020
EAC extraction logfile from 19. August 2020, 21:56
La Compagnia del Madrigale / Gesualdo - Secondo Libro di Madrigali
Used drive : ASUS SDRW-08U7M-U Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 128 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:15.19 | 0 | 19143
2 | 4:15.19 | 1:49.58 | 19144 | 27376
3 | 6:05.02 | 2:46.28 | 27377 | 39854
4 | 8:51.30 | 1:54.49 | 39855 | 48453
5 | 10:46.04 | 3:31.53 | 48454 | 64331
6 | 14:17.57 | 2:55.53 | 64332 | 77509
7 | 17:13.35 | 2:53.47 | 77510 | 90531
8 | 20:07.07 | 2:27.69 | 90532 | 101625
9 | 22:35.01 | 2:21.50 | 101626 | 112250
10 | 24:56.51 | 2:21.15 | 112251 | 122840
11 | 27:17.66 | 2:51.45 | 122841 | 135710
12 | 30:09.36 | 2:31.01 | 135711 | 147036
13 | 32:40.37 | 3:27.59 | 147037 | 162620
14 | 36:08.21 | 2:16.19 | 162621 | 172839
15 | 38:24.40 | 2:54.52 | 172840 | 185941
16 | 41:19.17 | 3:32.40 | 185942 | 201881
17 | 44:51.57 | 2:14.31 | 201882 | 211962
18 | 47:06.13 | 1:54.10 | 211963 | 220522
19 | 49:00.23 | 2:52.55 | 220523 | 233477
20 | 51:53.03 | 3:16.31 | 233478 | 248208
21 | 55:09.34 | 3:09.69 | 248209 | 262452
22 | 58:19.28 | 5:17.42 | 262453 | 286269
23 | 63:36.70 | 4:00.47 | 286270 | 304316
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\temp\GCD 922809 Gesualdo - Secondo Libro di Madrigali - 2019\Gesualdo - Secondo Libro di Madrigali.wav
Peak level 95.1 %
Extraction speed 5.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 539B8312
Copy CRC 539B8312
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [3C5C4AE3] (AR v2)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C47BC9E4] (AR v2)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [75D7C905] (AR v2)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [078A3A3F] (AR v2)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C42005E6] (AR v2)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [4D28F7A2] (AR v2)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [7D621605] (AR v2)
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [FD85DC9C] (AR v2)
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [668EB986] (AR v2)
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [8B8276D4] (AR v2)
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [86556746] (AR v2)
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [5D9BC2BD] (AR v2)
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [1C45AD0F] (AR v2)
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [CCC9C615] (AR v2)
Track 15 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [ACE1B775] (AR v2)
Track 16 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [FAA55C1F] (AR v2)
Track 17 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [E55D1876] (AR v2)
Track 18 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [3D4FD377] (AR v2)
Track 19 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [E99DCC60] (AR v2)
Track 20 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [3439C305] (AR v2)
Track 21 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [B95B22CC] (AR v2)
Track 22 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [F31B9D2A] (AR v2)
Track 23 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [859BD3DB] (AR v2)
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
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Thanks to the original releaser