Anna Prohaska, Giovanni Antonini, Il Giardino Armonico - Serpent & Fire: Arias for Dido & Cleopatra (2016)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 329 Mb | Total time: 70:10 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Alpha Classics | # ALPHA 250 | Recorded: 2015
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 329 Mb | Total time: 70:10 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Alpha Classics | # ALPHA 250 | Recorded: 2015
The German soprano Anna Prohaska joins Alpha Classics for several recording projects. Her first recital brings together two superb African queens – Dido and Cleopatra – and follows them all over Europe during the first century of opera, from the 1640s to 1740. A firework display of arias, virtuosic and tragic by turns, written by the leading personalities of Baroque music (Cavalli, Handel, Purcell, Hasse) and composers still awaiting rediscovery suchas Sartorio, Graupner and the Venetian Castrovillari. For this programme built like a tragedy around the queens of Egypt and Carthage, whom she interprets with the passion and fervour that have made her reputation, Anna Prohaska is accompanied by one of today’s finest Baroque ensembles, Il Giardino Armonico; under the inspired guidance of their director Giovanni Antonini (who is also a dazzling recorder soloist in some of the arias), they keep us on the edge of our seats from start to finish.
A top star in Germany, Anna Prohaska also sings on the world’s leading operatic stages, from La Scala to Covent Garden by way of Aix-en-Provence and Salzburg.
Anna Prohaska, soprano
Il Giardino Armonico
Giovanni Antonini, direction
Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Dido and Aeneas Z.626 (1689)
01. Overture
02. Aria 'Ah! Belinda, I am press'd with torment'
Christoph Graupner (1683-1760)
Dido, Königin von Karthago (1707)
03. Aria 'Holdestes Lispeln der spielenden Fluthen'
Antonio Sartorio (1630-1680)
Giulio Cesare in Egitto (1677)
04. Aria 'Non voglio amar'
Matthew Locke (c.1621-1677)
The Tempest (1667)
05. The Second Musick: Lilk
06. The Second Musick: Curtain Tune
Daniele da Castrovillari (c.1613-1678)
La Cleopatra ((1662)
07. Aria 'A Dio regni, A Dio scettri'
Antonio Sartorio
Giulio Cesare in Egitto
08. Aria 'Quando voglio'
Matthew Locke
The Tempest
09. The First Musick: Galliard
Henry Purcell
The Fairy Queen Z.629 (1692)
10. Chaconne: Dance for the Chinese Man and Woman
Christoph Graupner
Dido, Königin von Karthago
11. Recitativo accompagnato 'Der Himmel ist von Donner Keylen schwer'
12. Aria 'Infido Cupido'
13. Aria 'Agitato del tempeste'
George Frederick Handel (1685-1759)
Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17 (1724)
14. Recitativo Accompagnato 'Che sento? O Dio!'
15. Aria 'Se pietà di me non senti'
Johann Adolf Hasse (1699-1783)
Didone Abbandonata (1742)
16. Aria 'Già si desta la tempesta'
Dario Castello (1602-1631)
Sonate Concertate in Stil Moderno, Libro Secondo" (1629)
17. Sonata Decimaquinta a Quattro
Francesco Cavalli (1602-1676)
Didone (1641)
18. Recitative & Aria 'Re de' Getuli altero'
Johann Adolf Hasse
Marc'Antonio e Cleopatra (1725)
19. Aria 'Morte col fiero aspetto'
Luigi Rossi (c.1597-1653)
20. Passacaille del Seig.R Louigi
Henry Purcell
Dido and Aeneas Z.626
21. Aria 'Oft she visits this lone mountain'
22. Recitative & Aria 'Thy hand, Belinda… When I am laid in earth'
Exact Audio Copy V1.3 from 2. September 2016
EAC extraction logfile from 30. October 2018, 16:52
Anna Prohaska, Giovanni Antonini, Il Giardino Armonico / Serpent & Fire - Arias for Dido & Cleopatra
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GH24NS95 Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 128 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 1:47.62 | 0 | 8086
2 | 1:47.62 | 4:42.67 | 8087 | 29303
3 | 6:30.54 | 2:05.15 | 29304 | 38693
4 | 8:35.69 | 2:31.51 | 38694 | 50069
5 | 11:07.45 | 0:50.59 | 50070 | 53878
6 | 11:58.29 | 5:08.38 | 53879 | 77016
7 | 17:06.67 | 6:08.45 | 77017 | 104661
8 | 23:15.37 | 2:32.41 | 104662 | 116102
9 | 25:48.03 | 1:34.55 | 116103 | 123207
10 | 27:22.58 | 2:39.49 | 123208 | 135181
11 | 30:02.32 | 1:22.34 | 135182 | 141365
12 | 31:24.66 | 2:12.52 | 141366 | 151317
13 | 33:37.43 | 2:31.43 | 151318 | 162685
14 | 36:09.11 | 1:07.37 | 162686 | 167747
15 | 37:16.48 | 7:19.27 | 167748 | 200699
16 | 44:36.00 | 4:00.09 | 200700 | 218708
17 | 48:36.09 | 4:51.73 | 218709 | 240606
18 | 53:28.07 | 3:19.12 | 240607 | 255543
19 | 56:47.19 | 4:04.47 | 255544 | 273890
20 | 60:51.66 | 2:50.04 | 273891 | 286644
21 | 63:41.70 | 1:49.32 | 286645 | 294851
22 | 65:31.27 | 4:37.43 | 294852 | 315669
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\Serpent & Fire - Arias for Dido & Cleopatra.wav
Peak level 89.8 %
Extraction speed 8.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 11E235F7
Copy CRC 11E235F7
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
==== Log checksum 7D56AA3AD8FDB5AA2E8A1418DC4F26989DA455EE51A79905DE4715DDAC7CCD57 ====
Thanks to the original releaser