Jon Anderson & Rick Wakeman - The Living Tree in Concert. Part One (2011)
EAC | Flac(Image) + Cue + Log & MP3 CBR 320Kbps
Gonzo Multimedia, HST097CD | ~ 306 or 1142 Mb | Scans
Symphonic Progressive Rock
EAC | Flac(Image) + Cue + Log & MP3 CBR 320Kbps
Gonzo Multimedia, HST097CD | ~ 306 or 1142 Mb | Scans
Symphonic Progressive Rock
11/14/2011 - London, UK - As a follow-up to their critically acclaimed CD 'The Living Tree' from 2010, YES legends Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman prepare to release 'Anderson / Wakeman - The Living Tree In Concert Part One' on Gonzo Multimedia on November 28th. The CD was recorded during the duo's British tour in 2010 and comes housed in a sleeve design by Mark Wilkinson who was also responsible for the design of the artwork for 'The Living Tree'.
Having worked together on and off since 1971's groundbreaking YES masterwork 'Fragile', Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman have traveled similar musical paths that have eventually and happily led their careers back together again. The duo began performing live together in the UK in 2006 playing both classics from the YES catalogue and selected tracks from the pair's individual solo releases. In 2009 Anderson and Wakeman recorded the highly anticipated album 'The Living Tree' which garnered rave reviews worldwide. In 2010 it was announced that Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman were to tour together once more at the end of the year. The wildly successful tour featured material from their time with YES, but more importantly material from the duo's new CD 'The Living Tree'. A collection of live highlights from the tour were compiled and overseen by Jon and Rick for the upcoming release 'Anderson / Wakeman - The Living Tree In Concert Part One'.
"The live recordings have a unique feel, the way we perform the show, it's as though all the songs 'old and new' were written just a few months ago, all very timeless," says Jon. "For many years Jon and I have felt it was really important to record all we do," adds Rick, "whether for general release or just personal purposes, the decision being very much that of quality. We were so happy with the way that the live music was happening that we felt this was a must to record and put out a mixture of the music, both old and new, as a record of where we are at, at this moment, and also perhaps giving a hint as to where we can go on to. Music for us is progressive in all genres, and this album is yet another stepping stone in that quest."~ jonanderson
Rick Wakeman Biography:
Born in Perivale, Middlesex, England, Rick Wakeman's interest in music manifested itself very early, and from the age of seven on he studied classical piano. At the age of 14, he joined a local band, Atlantic Blues, the same year he left school to enroll in the Royal College of Music. He had his eye on a career as a concert pianist, but Wakeman was dismissed from the college after it became clear that he preferred playing in clubs to studying technique.
By his late teens, he was an established session man, playing on records by such diverse acts as Black Sabbath, Brotherhood of Man, and Edison Lighthouse. At the end of the '60s, his name also began appearing on the credits of albums by such artists as Al Stewart and David Bowie, and one set of sessions with a folk-rock band called the Strawbs led to his joining the group in 1970. After two albums with the Strawbs, Wakeman joined Yes, a post-psychedelic hard rock band that had attracted considerable attention with their first three albums. Wakeman played a key role in the final shape of the group's fourth record, Fragile, creating a fierce, swirling sound on an array of electric and acoustic pianos, synthesizers, and Mellotrons. Fragile was a hit, driven by the chart success of the single "Roundabout," and Wakeman was suddenly elevated to star status.
Yes' next album, Close to the Edge, expanded his audience and his appeal, for his instruments were heard almost continually on the record. During the making of Close to the Edge in 1972, Wakeman also recorded his first solo album, an instrumental work entitled The Six Wives of Henry VIII, which consisted of his musical interpretations of the lives and personalities of the said six royal spouses. Released early in 1973 on A&M Records, it performed respectably on the charts. Public reception of Yes' 1974 album, Tales From Topographic Oceans, was mixed, and the critics were merciless in their attacks upon the record. Wakeman exited the group before the album's supporting tour. His new solo album, Journey to the Center of the Earth, adapted from the writings of Jules Verne and featuring a rock band, narrator (David Hemmings), and full orchestral and choral accompaniment, was released to tremendous public response in both America and England, where it topped the charts. In 1975, his next album, The Myths and Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, was given a grand-scale premiere at Wembley's Empire Pool, although it also cost Wakeman a fortune to stage the event on ice. During this same period, Wakeman began working on film scores with the music for Ken Russell's Lisztomania, which was a modest hit.
In 1977, Wakeman returned to Yes, with which he has continued recording and touring. His solo career continued on A&M into the end of the '70s, with Criminal Record and Rhapsodies, which were modestly successful. Wakeman's biggest media splash during this period, however, came through his alleged role in getting the Sex Pistols dropped by A&M Records soon after being signed. None of this bothered his fans, which rapidly expanded to encompass those he picked up through his work with lyricist Tim Rice on a musical adaptation of George Orwell's 1984, and his burgeoning film work, which included the music to movies about the 1976 Winter Olympics and the 1982 soccer World Cup competition. Additionally, he became a regular on Britain's Channel 4. Wakeman's audience and reputation survived the 1980s better than almost any progressive rock star of his era, as he continued releasing albums on his own label. He also remained associated with Yes into the ' Paul Collins, AllMusic
Многодетный отец, любитель гольфа и спортивных автомобилей, настоящий христианин и бывший алкоголик, обладатель неуживчивого характера – этот человек известен всему миру как неординарный клавишник и плодовитый музыкант. Ричард Кристофер Уэйкман родился 18 мая 1949 года. Первое знакомство мальчика с клавишами состоялось в шесть лет, когда родители наняли ему учителя по фортепиано. В школьные годы Рик продолжал осваивать этот инструмент, участвовал в фестивалях и неоднократно выигрывал конкурсы. В 1961 году он собрал свою первую команду – джаз-бэнд «Brother Wakeman and the Clergyman». Примерно в то же время Рик попробовал играть на кларнете и на церковном органе. В 1963-м молодой Уэйкман присоединился к блюзовой группе «The Atlantic Blues», но по прошествии двух лет перебрался в танцевальный квартет «Concords».
Выступления на свадьбах и вечеринках отвлекали Рика от «классических» занятий, однако в 1968 году он принял решение поступить в Королевский Музыкальный Колледж. Помимо изучения фортепиано, кларнета, современной музыки и оркестровки Уэйкман продолжал играть на танцах и даже начал пробовать себя в звукозаписи. В конце концов, тяга к вольной жизни взяла свое, и Рик ушел из колледжа, заделавшись сессионным музыкантом. Среди артистов, пользовавшихся услугами молодого клавишника, были Дэвид Боуи, Кэт Стивенс, «Black Sabbath», Эл Стюарт и другие.
Rick Wakeman В 1970 году Уэйкман присоединился к «Strawbs», где впервые ощутил вкус популярности. Однако это была лишь прелюдия к успеху, и уже в августе 1971-го Рик оказался в стане знаменитых прогрессоров «Yes», а к концу года обзавелся и сольным контрактом. Если первая его пластинка прошла незамеченной, то вторая, «The Six Wives Of Henry VIII», заставила обратить на себя внимание. Настоящий же прорыв в сольной карьере случился в 1974 году, когда вышел диск «Journey To The Centre Of The Earth». Основанный на романе Жюля Верна и записанный с Лондонским Симфоническим Оркестром, этот альбом оказался в горячих десятках многих стран мира. Но ореол славы имел и обратную сторону. Напряженные гастроли и увлечение алкоголем привели к сердечному приступу, случившемуся с Уэйкманом прямо на сцене во время австралийского тура. Однако и в больнице Рик не отдыхал, а за несколько недель, проведенные там, написал материал для «Myths & Legends Of King Arthur».
Этот альбом имел хороший успех, чего нельзя было сказать о вышедшем в том же году саундтреке к фильму Кена Рассела «Lisztomania». Выпустив концептуальную пластинку «No Earthly Connection» и звуковую дорожку «White rock», посвященную зимней Олимпиаде в Инсбруке, Уэйкман вернулся в состав «Yes» и продолжил работу на два фронта. С приходом панка интерес к творчеству Рика заметно снизился, однако ни этот факт, ни потрясения в личной жизни не сломили музыканта. В 1981 году Уэйкман скооперировался с известным текстовиком Тимом Райсом для записи серьезного опуса «1984», основанного на романе Оруэлла.
Rick WakemanВ 1982-м вышел еще один «спортивный» альбом Рика, «G’ole!», в котором отразилось увлечение знаменитого клавишника футболом. Спустя два года композиция Уэйкмана «Glory boys» получила на радио «тяжелую ротацию», однако обзавестись хит-синглом ему так и не удалось по причине банкротства дистрибьюторской компании. В середине 80-х в жизни Рика произошли два интересных события: он бросил пить и обратился к музыке нью-эйдж. Его наилучшим достижением в новом стиле стал диск «Country Airs», продержавшийся в чартах более 20 недель. После выпуска концептуального альбома «Time Machine» (по роману Герберта Уэллса) и очередного реюниона «Yes» Уэйкман издал серию пластинок в духе эмбиент. В 1994 году во время благотворительного американского тура был записан «The Piano Album», где Рик играл только на рояле.
Где-то в это же время у музыканта появилась задумка сделать сиквел на «Journey To The Centre Of The Earth». Однако прошло целых пять лет, прежде чем идею удалось претворить в жизнь, и «Return To The Centre Of The Earth» появился в 25-летнюю годовщину выхода оригинального произведения. Как и множество других музыкантов, Рик не обошел вниманием наступление миллениума и приурочил к этому событию альбом «Preludes To A Century». В том же 2000 году Уэйкман в который раз пережил развод, и в который раз реформировал свою группу «English Rock Ensemble». С ней клавишник провел длительные гастроли и записал очередной диск, «Out there», а вскоре после этого вновь был замечен в компании бывших коллег по «Yes».~ LastFm
Jon Anderson & Rick Wakeman - The Living Tree in Concert. Part One (2011):
1. And You & I
2. Living Tree (Part 1)
3. Morning Star
4. Long Distance Runaround
5. The Garden
6. Living Tree (Part 2)
7. Time And A Word
8. Just One Man
9. 23/24/11
10. Southside Of The Sky
11. House Of Freedom
12. The Meeting
- Jon Anderson / vocals and acoustic guitars
— Rick Wakeman / piano and keyboards
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 18. March 2012, 0:50
Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman / The Living Tree in Concert - Part One
Used drive : MATSHITABD-CMB UJ242AS Adapter: 0 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
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Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 103
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Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : Yes
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:19.71 | 0 | 23995
2 | 5:19.71 | 4:05.01 | 23996 | 42371
3 | 9:24.72 | 4:24.24 | 42372 | 62195
4 | 13:49.21 | 2:49.63 | 62196 | 74933
5 | 16:39.09 | 3:07.17 | 74934 | 88975
6 | 19:46.26 | 4:19.47 | 88976 | 108447
7 | 24:05.73 | 4:56.53 | 108448 | 130700
8 | 29:02.51 | 4:47.49 | 130701 | 152274
9 | 33:50.25 | 5:43.26 | 152275 | 178025
10 | 39:33.51 | 6:50.27 | 178026 | 208802
11 | 46:24.03 | 6:20.45 | 208803 | 237347
12 | 52:44.48 | 3:58.14 | 237348 | 255211
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\EACrip\Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman - The Living Tree in Concert - Part One.wav
Peak level 88.6 %
Extraction speed 4.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC A6033C55
Copy CRC A6033C55
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [6A1122BC], AccurateRip returned [C705DC36] (AR v2)
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No tracks could be verified as accurate
You may have a different pressing from the one(s) in the database
End of status report
EAC extraction logfile from 18. March 2012, 0:50
Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman / The Living Tree in Concert - Part One
Used drive : MATSHITABD-CMB UJ242AS Adapter: 0 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 103
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Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : Yes
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:19.71 | 0 | 23995
2 | 5:19.71 | 4:05.01 | 23996 | 42371
3 | 9:24.72 | 4:24.24 | 42372 | 62195
4 | 13:49.21 | 2:49.63 | 62196 | 74933
5 | 16:39.09 | 3:07.17 | 74934 | 88975
6 | 19:46.26 | 4:19.47 | 88976 | 108447
7 | 24:05.73 | 4:56.53 | 108448 | 130700
8 | 29:02.51 | 4:47.49 | 130701 | 152274
9 | 33:50.25 | 5:43.26 | 152275 | 178025
10 | 39:33.51 | 6:50.27 | 178026 | 208802
11 | 46:24.03 | 6:20.45 | 208803 | 237347
12 | 52:44.48 | 3:58.14 | 237348 | 255211
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\EACrip\Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman - The Living Tree in Concert - Part One.wav
Peak level 88.6 %
Extraction speed 4.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC A6033C55
Copy CRC A6033C55
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [6A1122BC], AccurateRip returned [C705DC36] (AR v2)
Track 2 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [73F76AC5], AccurateRip returned [7A7B4E30] (AR v2)
Track 3 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [6C3CA308], AccurateRip returned [D16CFAC5] (AR v2)
Track 4 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [2D307578], AccurateRip returned [A34EFA0F] (AR v2)
Track 5 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [435114BC], AccurateRip returned [3F42F4D4] (AR v2)
Track 6 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [85798794], AccurateRip returned [A6C69FAF] (AR v2)
Track 7 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [67EBCBEA], AccurateRip returned [A1E4861A] (AR v2)
Track 8 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [D501A88E], AccurateRip returned [DAD0CF15] (AR v2)
Track 9 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [4330F8AC], AccurateRip returned [5FBB5F41] (AR v2)
Track 10 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [4D803FB4], AccurateRip returned [C6F01A58] (AR v2)
Track 11 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [D03E4239], AccurateRip returned [C33A649B] (AR v2)
Track 12 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [DE433D09], AccurateRip returned [4D707D71] (AR v2)
No tracks could be verified as accurate
You may have a different pressing from the one(s) in the database
End of status report
foobar2000 1.1.18 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2013-03-14 14:49:58
Analyzed: Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman / The Living Tree in Concert - Part One
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR7 -1.06 dB -12.16 dB 5:20 01-And You and I
DR9 -1.24 dB -13.32 dB 4:05 02-Living Tree (Part 1)
DR7 -1.05 dB -10.11 dB 4:24 03-Morning Star
DR7 -1.04 dB -10.62 dB 2:50 04-Long Distance Runaround
DR10 -1.24 dB -15.68 dB 3:07 05-Garden
DR8 -1.12 dB -12.81 dB 4:20 06-Living Tree (Part 2)
DR7 -1.50 dB -10.94 dB 4:57 07-Time and a Word
DR10 -1.22 dB -15.87 dB 4:48 08-Just One Man
DR8 -1.11 dB -13.31 dB 5:43 09-23-24-11
DR8 -1.12 dB -13.04 dB 6:50 10-Southside
DR10 -1.22 dB -15.08 dB 6:21 11-House of Freedom
DR12 -1.60 dB -18.48 dB 3:58 12-The Meeting
Number of tracks: 12
Official DR value: DR9
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 711 kbps
Codec: FLAC
log date: 2013-03-14 14:49:58
Analyzed: Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman / The Living Tree in Concert - Part One
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR7 -1.06 dB -12.16 dB 5:20 01-And You and I
DR9 -1.24 dB -13.32 dB 4:05 02-Living Tree (Part 1)
DR7 -1.05 dB -10.11 dB 4:24 03-Morning Star
DR7 -1.04 dB -10.62 dB 2:50 04-Long Distance Runaround
DR10 -1.24 dB -15.68 dB 3:07 05-Garden
DR8 -1.12 dB -12.81 dB 4:20 06-Living Tree (Part 2)
DR7 -1.50 dB -10.94 dB 4:57 07-Time and a Word
DR10 -1.22 dB -15.87 dB 4:48 08-Just One Man
DR8 -1.11 dB -13.31 dB 5:43 09-23-24-11
DR8 -1.12 dB -13.04 dB 6:50 10-Southside
DR10 -1.22 dB -15.08 dB 6:21 11-House of Freedom
DR12 -1.60 dB -18.48 dB 3:58 12-The Meeting
Number of tracks: 12
Official DR value: DR9
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 711 kbps
Codec: FLAC
All thanks go to the original releaser
Download Jon Anderson & Rick Wakeman - The Living Tree in Concert. Part One (2011):