Bent Lorentzen: Erotic Hymns; Triplex; Flamma; Saturnus; Motets (2012)
Jens E. Christensen, organ; Morten Frank Larsen, baritone; Joanna Stroz, percussion
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue&Log) ~ 231 Mb | Mp3 (CBR320) ~ 153 Mb | Scans included
Classical, Contemporary, Vocal | Label: Dacapo | # 8.226568 | Time: 01:02:00
Jens E. Christensen, organ; Morten Frank Larsen, baritone; Joanna Stroz, percussion
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue&Log) ~ 231 Mb | Mp3 (CBR320) ~ 153 Mb | Scans included
Classical, Contemporary, Vocal | Label: Dacapo | # 8.226568 | Time: 01:02:00
Erotic Hymns (1998) is a sacred song cycle in which composer Bent Lorentzen (b. 1935) combines Baroque and contemporary Danish poetry in a fascinating exploration of the relationship between erotic and religious experience. This world premiere recording by baritone Morten Frank Larsen and organist Jens E. Christensen also features three of Lorentzen's major organ works and concludes with a chorale motet cycle, balancing the CD in beautiful symmetry.
Bent Lorentzen was born on the 11th of February 1935 in Stenvad - a village in Eastern Jutland - in a multi-talented family. His father was an inventive wag with a partiality for opera and music drama, especially Wagner. The opera singer Kirsten Schultz was a frequent guest, and accompanying her on the piano her younger cousin became intensely absorbed in this way of singing. The singing cousin was later married to the composer Svend S. Schultz, who was already a prolific opera composer. When Schultz visited Stenvad young Bent would help him copying his scores; this turned out to be a kind of informal apprenticeship.
The practical dimension of the composer's craft has a deep meaning for Lorentzen, who was rather ambivalent towards the formal education of composers at music academies and conservatories - of which he has first hand knowledge, both as a student and as a teacher. His own formal education began at Aarhus University (where the composer Knud Jeppesen was ordinary professor) and continued at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen (where his teachers were the composers Vagn Holmboe, Jørgen Jersild and Finn Høffding). He became a reader at the Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus, where he worked from 1962 to 1971, since when he has worked full time as a composer. During the Aarhus years he attended courses in Darmstadt and Munich (1965), he studied electronic music in Stockholm (1967-68), and he was the co-founder of the Aarhus Opera Group in 1963 and of Aarhus Unge Tonekunstnere (AUT, Young Aarhus Composers' Association) in 1966.
Lorentzen has held important positions in Danish musical organisations, and he has been awarded many prizes in international competitions, including Prix Italia 1970 (for the opera Euridice), the Serocki competition 1984 (for the chamber work Paradiesvogel), International Choral Composition Award in Austria 1987 (for Olof Palme), the Olivier Messiaen Organ Prize 1988 (for Luna), Vienna Modern Masters 1991 (for the first version of the Piano Concerto), the Music and Poetry Prize in Belgium 1989 (for Enzensberger's Prozession). Since 1982 he has received the lifelong grant of the Danish Art Council, and other Danish awards include Choral Composer of the Year 1990, and the Carl Nielsen Prize 1995. In 2003 he received the Wilhelm Hansen Composer's Prize.
Lorentzen's compositions cover all genres, also ‘rare' or ‘unknown' genres - like music for carillons, dramatic pantomimes, bugle ensemble, and ‘tape recorded sounds'. His orchestral music includes concertos for oboe (1980), cello (1984), piano (1984), saxophone (1986), trumpet (1991) trumpet and trombone (1998), violin (2002); the chamber works include solo music for organ, piano, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, guitar, violin, cello and double bass; and in addition to this, string quartets and several works for mixed ensembles (2-12 instruments). He has composed numerous choral works in a unique dramatic style. The list also includes electronic music and instrumental drama. The most important part of his work, however, must be his operas and other works for the stage. Till now Lorentzen has composed 15 operas (in different formats), many of which had their premiere in foreign countries, mainly in Germany. Only one - Der Steppenwolf, based on Hermann Hesse's novel - is still awaiting its world premiere, while many of the others have seen two or more productions. Intensive dramaturgic studies have accompanied the operatic work during the years, and Lorentzen frequently taught music drama at the Copenhagen and Aarhus academies of music.
This composer never settled in an ivory tower. Lorentzen's goal has always been communication and interplay with musicians as well as audiences and institutions. A successful example of the composer's communication strategies was the Ebeltoft Festival (1989-93), a summer festival in an old Danish town, where inhabitants and tourists were offered programs with a fifty-fifty mix of old and new music in carefully selected surroundings (in- and outdoors). This philosophy of multi-sensory surprises created a special and stimulating festival.– Lars Ole Bonde
Erotiske salmer (Erotic Hymns), Op.133 (1998)
for bass and organ
01. 1. Dig min søde skat (My treasure sweet) (01:56)
02. 2. Du rædsels dyb (Horror’s depths) (02:35)
03. 3. Og når din stærke røst engang (And when Thy voice so strong shall sound) (02:10)
04. 4. Min fine skat (My treasure fine) (01:17)
05. 5. Jesu søde rosen-kinder (Rosy cheeks of Jesus sweet) (03:12)
06. 6. Mit åndedræt, så tæt (Breath of my life) (02:23)
07. 7. Hvorledes skal jeg møde (How am I to meet Thee) (02:27)
08. 8. Så, så, min skat (So, so my sweet) (01:21)
09. 9. Jeg ligger ved Jesus (I lie at the bosom) (02:26)
10. Triplex, Op.40 (09:26)
from Organ Music I (No.3) (1970-1977)
11. Flamma, Op.142 (08:42) (2001)
for percussion and organ
12. Saturnus, Op.123 (06:03) (1996)
from The Planets, suite of Seven Pieces for organ
Fire koralmotetter (Four Danish Choral Motets) (1989-1994)
for bass and organ
13. 1. Dejligste roser har stindeste torne (Loveliest Roses) (03:36)
14. 2. Far, verden, far vel (Begone, World, Farewell) (05:12)
15. 3. Her vil ties, her vil bies (Wait and be silent) (05:08)
16. 4. Naar mit øje, træt af møje (When I Raise My Weary Eyes) (04:00)
Exact Audio Copy V1.1 from 23. June 2015
EAC extraction logfile from 27. October 2015, 22:20
Morten Frank Larsen, Jens E. Christensen, Joanna Stroz / Lorentzen - Erotic Hymns
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GU70N Adapter: 1 ID: 0
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TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
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13 | 44:03.11 | 3:36.55 | 198236 | 214490
14 | 47:39.66 | 5:12.02 | 214491 | 237892
15 | 52:51.68 | 5:08.22 | 237893 | 261014
16 | 58:00.15 | 4:00.14 | 261015 | 279028
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Filename C:\temp\8.226568 - Lorentzen - Erotic Hymns\Lorentzen - Erotic Hymns.wav
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Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
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Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
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Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
Track 11 not present in database
Track 12 not present in database
Track 13 not present in database
Track 14 not present in database
Track 15 not present in database
Track 16 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
==== Log checksum 5BC6CB4CC5C102EFAFF42DE758D6E89084D72DFD713E64193FA4D7EE74327FAC ====
EAC extraction logfile from 27. October 2015, 22:20
Morten Frank Larsen, Jens E. Christensen, Joanna Stroz / Lorentzen - Erotic Hymns
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GU70N Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 48
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 128 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 1:56.65 | 0 | 8764
2 | 1:56.65 | 2:35.00 | 8765 | 20389
3 | 4:31.65 | 2:10.64 | 20390 | 30203
4 | 6:42.54 | 1:17.26 | 30204 | 36004
5 | 8:00.05 | 3:12.49 | 36005 | 50453
6 | 11:12.54 | 2:23.01 | 50454 | 61179
7 | 13:35.55 | 2:27.30 | 61180 | 72234
8 | 16:03.10 | 1:21.13 | 72235 | 78322
9 | 17:24.23 | 2:26.26 | 78323 | 89298
10 | 19:50.49 | 9:26.66 | 89299 | 131814
11 | 29:17.40 | 8:42.03 | 131815 | 170967
12 | 37:59.43 | 6:03.43 | 170968 | 198235
13 | 44:03.11 | 3:36.55 | 198236 | 214490
14 | 47:39.66 | 5:12.02 | 214491 | 237892
15 | 52:51.68 | 5:08.22 | 237893 | 261014
16 | 58:00.15 | 4:00.14 | 261015 | 279028
Range status and errors
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Filename C:\temp\8.226568 - Lorentzen - Erotic Hymns\Lorentzen - Erotic Hymns.wav
Peak level 95.6 %
Extraction speed 2.2 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC C3B6A248
Copy CRC C3B6A248
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
Track 11 not present in database
Track 12 not present in database
Track 13 not present in database
Track 14 not present in database
Track 15 not present in database
Track 16 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
==== Log checksum 5BC6CB4CC5C102EFAFF42DE758D6E89084D72DFD713E64193FA4D7EE74327FAC ====
foobar2000 1.2 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2016-08-26 15:44:58
Analyzed: Jens E. Christensen / Lorentzen - Erotic Hymns
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR12 -4.02 dB -21.75 dB 9:27 10-Triplex, Op.40
DR13 -1.54 dB -20.97 dB 6:04 12-Saturnus, Op.123
Number of tracks: 2
Official DR value: DR12
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 496 kbps
Codec: FLAC
Analyzed: Morten Frank Larsen, Jens E. Christensen / Lorentzen - Erotic Hymns
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR11 -10.76 dB -26.81 dB 1:57 01-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 1. Dig min søde skat (My treasure sweet)
DR13 -12.89 dB -30.13 dB 2:35 02-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 2. Du rædsels dyb (Horror’s depths)
DR13 -7.94 dB -24.10 dB 2:11 03-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 3. Og når din stærke røst engang (And when Thy voice so strong shall sound)
DR12 -15.34 dB -32.56 dB 1:17 04-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 4. Min fine skat (My treasure fine)
DR11 -10.34 dB -25.44 dB 3:13 05-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 5. Jesu søde rosen-kinder (Rosy cheeks of Jesus sweet)
DR11 -12.09 dB -27.66 dB 2:23 06-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 6. Mit åndedræt, så tæt (Breath of my life)
DR13 -9.69 dB -25.59 dB 2:27 07-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 7. Hvorledes skal jeg møde (How am I to meet Thee)
DR11 -13.41 dB -31.48 dB 1:21 08-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 8. Så, så, min skat (So, so my sweet)
DR12 -8.54 dB -24.71 dB 2:26 09-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 9. Jeg ligger ved Jesus (I lie at the bosom)
DR12 -10.85 dB -27.98 dB 3:37 13-Fire koralmotetter - 1. Dejligste roser har stindeste torne (Loveliest Roses)
DR13 -6.07 dB -24.02 dB 5:12 14-Fire koralmotetter - 2. Far, verden, far vel (Begone, World, Farewell)
DR12 -10.34 dB -26.98 dB 5:08 15-Fire koralmotetter - 3. Her vil ties, her vil bies (Wait and be silent)
DR13 -9.89 dB -26.53 dB 4:00 16-Fire koralmotetter - 4. Naar mit øje, træt af møje (When I Raise My Weary Eyes)
Number of tracks: 13
Official DR value: DR12
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 496 kbps
Codec: FLAC
foobar2000 1.2 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2016-08-26 15:44:52
Statistics for: 11-Flamma, Op.142
Number of samples: 23021964
Duration: 8:42
Left Right
Peak Value: -0.49 dB –- -0.38 dB
Avg RMS: -17.67 dB –- -18.25 dB
DR channel: 13.04 dB –- 13.70 dB
Official DR Value: DR13
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 496 kbps
Codec: FLAC
log date: 2016-08-26 15:44:58
Analyzed: Jens E. Christensen / Lorentzen - Erotic Hymns
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR12 -4.02 dB -21.75 dB 9:27 10-Triplex, Op.40
DR13 -1.54 dB -20.97 dB 6:04 12-Saturnus, Op.123
Number of tracks: 2
Official DR value: DR12
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 496 kbps
Codec: FLAC
Analyzed: Morten Frank Larsen, Jens E. Christensen / Lorentzen - Erotic Hymns
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR11 -10.76 dB -26.81 dB 1:57 01-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 1. Dig min søde skat (My treasure sweet)
DR13 -12.89 dB -30.13 dB 2:35 02-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 2. Du rædsels dyb (Horror’s depths)
DR13 -7.94 dB -24.10 dB 2:11 03-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 3. Og når din stærke røst engang (And when Thy voice so strong shall sound)
DR12 -15.34 dB -32.56 dB 1:17 04-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 4. Min fine skat (My treasure fine)
DR11 -10.34 dB -25.44 dB 3:13 05-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 5. Jesu søde rosen-kinder (Rosy cheeks of Jesus sweet)
DR11 -12.09 dB -27.66 dB 2:23 06-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 6. Mit åndedræt, så tæt (Breath of my life)
DR13 -9.69 dB -25.59 dB 2:27 07-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 7. Hvorledes skal jeg møde (How am I to meet Thee)
DR11 -13.41 dB -31.48 dB 1:21 08-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 8. Så, så, min skat (So, so my sweet)
DR12 -8.54 dB -24.71 dB 2:26 09-Erotiske salmer, Op.133 - 9. Jeg ligger ved Jesus (I lie at the bosom)
DR12 -10.85 dB -27.98 dB 3:37 13-Fire koralmotetter - 1. Dejligste roser har stindeste torne (Loveliest Roses)
DR13 -6.07 dB -24.02 dB 5:12 14-Fire koralmotetter - 2. Far, verden, far vel (Begone, World, Farewell)
DR12 -10.34 dB -26.98 dB 5:08 15-Fire koralmotetter - 3. Her vil ties, her vil bies (Wait and be silent)
DR13 -9.89 dB -26.53 dB 4:00 16-Fire koralmotetter - 4. Naar mit øje, træt af møje (When I Raise My Weary Eyes)
Number of tracks: 13
Official DR value: DR12
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 496 kbps
Codec: FLAC
foobar2000 1.2 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2016-08-26 15:44:52
Statistics for: 11-Flamma, Op.142
Number of samples: 23021964
Duration: 8:42
Left Right
Peak Value: -0.49 dB –- -0.38 dB
Avg RMS: -17.67 dB –- -18.25 dB
DR channel: 13.04 dB –- 13.70 dB
Official DR Value: DR13
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 496 kbps
Codec: FLAC