Gilberto Scordari & Schola Cantorum Barensis - Giulio San Pietro del Negro: Amore Langueo (Motets, Pavia, 16th Century - World Premiere Recording) (2022)
WEB FLAC (tracks) - 204 Mb | MP3 CBR 320 kbps - 107 Mb | 00:46:03
Classical, Sacred, Vocal | Label: Da Vinci Classics
WEB FLAC (tracks) - 204 Mb | MP3 CBR 320 kbps - 107 Mb | 00:46:03
Classical, Sacred, Vocal | Label: Da Vinci Classics
There is still no consideration of the musical depth of Giulio San Pietro del Negro, an avant-garde composer of the early 17th century, Salentinian by birth (from Lecce) but Lombardian by artistic adoption. Thanks to in-depth studies conducted by Maria Giovanna Brindisino and Sarah Marianna Iacono, we have a rich and varied historical-biographical profile of del Negro: from a young age (1580-1600) the composer lived in Lecce; during those two decades, he probably studied under the direction of maestro di cappella Francesco Antonio Baseo; then, in the first decades of 17th century, he was warmly welcomed into the Lombardian artistic environment (artists and writers from the Accademia degli Inquieti in Milan and the Affidati in Pavia).Tracklist:
Born around 1565 in a Genoese family based in Lecce, Giulio was the third of four sons of the noble man-at-arms Filippo: his older brother Giovanni Battista is Baseo’s Primo libro dei madrigali dedicatee (Venice, 1573), in which Giovanni and his brother Pasquale are praised for their musical talents and progress. At that time, Giulio was still too young and probably benefited from maestro Baseo’s teachings in the following years.
In 1634, the historian Giulio Cesare Infantino wrote the Lecce Sacra book in which he briefly outlined the biographical profile of the four del Negro brothers. He started by describing Giovanni Battista. “Giovanni Battista San Piero di Negro can certainly be regarded as a Leccese warrior, since he, like his brothers, was born in Lecce. Giovanni Battista bravely served in the Flanders and Italian wars for eleven years. He was the brother of Pasquale San Piero di Negro, who excelled in duelling and music-making. […] And the same for Giulio San Piero di Negro, an excellent musician, whose many compositions he printed himself, reflect his tremendous talent. The fourth son Agostino San Piero di Negro – gentleman and man-at-arms – is still living today”. From Infantino we therefore conclude that in 1634 Giulio is no longer alive: his death must be placed after 1620 (the year of his last printed production) and before 1634.
While Giulio’s first printed work – Gl’Amorosi pensieri (1607) – is still linked to his cultural club in Lecce, prints dated from 1613 reflect his acquaintances in the Lombardian area. More specifically, they prove that contacts were made with Carmelite Cherubino Ferrari. Ferrari was a theologian at Duke of Mantua’s court, academician of the Inquieti in Milan, and an enthusiastic commentator of Monteverdi’s Orfeo.
Furthermore, other relations with the Count of Sartirana Carlo Mercurino Arborio Gattinara are revealed (he was a promoter of the Accademia degli Affidati in Pavia). Del Negro’s contacts with the Milan virtuoso bass singer Ottavio Valera are particularly interesting, too. One of the composer’s madrigals is dedicated to Valera; the piece is in the collection Grazie et Affetti, published by Filippo Lomazzo in 1613. In those years, the singer Valera appears as the dedicatee of other madrigals by Giovanni Ghizzolo and Sigismondo d’India, all published by Lomazzo. Therefore, the latter might have had direct contact with del Negro in the same cultural circle devoted to the Seconda prattica. The same thought would apply to Francesco Rognoni Taegio, with whom del Negro shared the “alla bastarda” practice. As further confirmation of this hypothesis, the collection Grazie et Affetti contains one of the first three recurrences of the indication “in stile recitativo”; the other two appear precisely in madrigals by D’India (1609) and Ghizzolo (1610), both published by the same publisher in Milan.
The dedication to Carlo Mercurino Arborio Gattinara in the Canti accademici concertati (Venice, 1620) is not the only evidence of Giulio’s links to the environment of Pavia: some texts used in Grazie et Affetti come from a collection written by monk Ippolito Cembroni and dedicated to the Affidati. Lastly, the fifteen motets subject of this recording come from three collections – dating respectively 1621, 1624, and 1629 – promoted by Don Lorenzo Calvi, a musician of the Cathedral of Pavia: their authorship can be attributed to Del Negro thanks to Sarah Iacono’s musicological researches. Giulio’s compositions are included among those composed by “eccellentissimi autori” like Claudio Monteverdi, Tarquinio Merula, Alessandro Grandi, Giovanni Rovetta, Giovanni Ghizzolo and Nicolò Corradini.
The texts of the motets consist of partly reworked and interpolated excerpts from the Song of Songs (1, 2, 5, 8, 11). The remaining ones come from various feasts of the liturgical year: Christmas (3), Marian (4, 10) or other Saints (6, 7, 14, 15) festivities, and Eucharistic Solemnities (9, 12, 13). Worthy of note is the text of the motet Quis est hic for the feast of St. Augustine, which takes us back to Pavia: there, in the Basilica of San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro, rest Saint Augustine’s remains.
The composing style is empowered with surprising fluidity: for example, the refined textual and imitative embroidery between the voices is very interesting. Sometimes it consists of short motifs (Veniat in 1, Descendi and Veni in 2, Alleluia in 3, Audi in 5, Meruit in 10, Moriar and Tu lux in 12) and other times on whole sections of the motet (Quam pulchra es, O quam gloriosum, Fratres qui gloriatur, Cantemus Domine gloriose). Although not frequently, the homorhythmic sections are used wisely in order to emphasize the choral aspect of some texts: see, among others, the ternary Alleluia of O quam gloriosum (which rhythmically and harmonically recalls the Villancicos of Latin-Hispanic tradition), the final Amore of the ternary ‘refrain’ of Amore langueo (with its beautiful ‘not prepared’ seventh), the evocative Ave, plena gratia in the motet Ave Mater Salvatoris or the powerful four voices-incipit in Adorent sacramentum (followed by a laudes with a ‘monteverdiano’ flavour). Equally remarkable are the contrapuntal artifices used on various occasions, such as the heartbreaking en morior in the final part of Amore langueo (n. 8), the harmonic complexity of qui te gustant esuriunt in the motet n. 9, or the beautiful final interlocking of the voices in the same motet on the words O Iesu mi dulcissime. An extraordinary lyrical masterpiece is finally the motet ‘a voce sola’ Amore langueo (n. 11), with its sharp contrast between the sweetness of langueo and the advance of aperi: the whole culminates with a tender final whisper on the three morior.
These fifteen motets, authentic miniatures of the new musical taste of Seconda Prattica, testify to the value of a composer still too little known and performed. We hope that this work will help to renew this interest, as well as throw new light on a music season that is anything but dark and peripheral in Apulia and especially in the Otranto area.
01. Symbolae diversorum musicorum: Veniat dilectus meus – à 2
02. Symbolae diversorum musicorum: Descendi in hortum meum – à 2
03. Symbolae diversorum musicorum: O laeta dies – à 2
04. Symbolae diversorum musicorum: Quam pulchra es – à 2
05. Symbolae diversorum musicorum: Audi soror mea – à 2
06. Symbolae diversorum musicorum: O quam gloriosum regnum – à 3
07. Symbolae diversorum musicorum: Fratres qui gloriatur – à 3
08. Symbolae diversorum musicorum: Amore langueo – à 4
09. Symbolae diversorum musicorum: O Iesu mi dulcissime – à 4
10. Symbolae diversorum musicorum: Ave Mater Salvatoris – à 4
11. Seconda raccolta de sacri canti: Amore langueo – à voce sola
12. Seconda raccolta de sacri canti: Dulcis amor Iesu – à 2
13. Seconda raccolta de sacri canti: Adorent sacramentum – à 4
14. Quarta raccolta de sacri canti: Quis est hic – à 2
15. Quarta raccolta de sacri canti: Cantemus Domine gloriose – à 3
PERFORMER: auCDtect Task Manager, ver. 1.6.0 RC1 build
Copyright © 2008-2010 y-soft. All rights reserved
ANALYZER: auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright © 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
FILE: 15 - Gilberto Scordari - Quarta raccolta de sacri canti- Cantemus Domine gloriose – à 3.flac
Size: 13944143 Hash: 5AA01A43A4AF50BAD8C9AC0F0EA1214C Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: A3FF438832471C284345A1AFD13FA9D1F957E9AD
FILE: 14 - Gilberto Scordari - Quarta raccolta de sacri canti- Quis est hic – à 2.flac
Size: 10827363 Hash: 1E6BB165BDDE5E893F859222572434EA Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 99%
Signature: 3FDD3BBAC90856E94FDADA4F8F497116C4C7117D
FILE: 13 - Gilberto Scordari - Seconda raccolta de sacri canti- Adorent sacramentum – à 4.flac
Size: 13218003 Hash: B2DC1658D299C749C99B2CC69B920BFD Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 147BC87C9B3DDD9DC578A5E455B2DB377909F869
FILE: 12 - Gilberto Scordari - Seconda raccolta de sacri canti- Dulcis amor Iesu – à 2.flac
Size: 14140979 Hash: 1ACC91882ABAF81BE1DEFB8E9506019D Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: C5E8F0DE760AEE1ABD79CB2F4C2CDB773E8762B9
FILE: 11 - Gilberto Scordari - Seconda raccolta de sacri canti- Amore langueo – à voce sola.flac
Size: 15300656 Hash: 5DCC5B89354DEC4CB285E3A15BF5B45E Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: FBB1E8B11D434D12BD40F662C77D678A7413C2E4
FILE: 10 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Ave Mater Salvatoris – à 4.flac
Size: 18596227 Hash: DAB2EB094068B8D9BB95F768EE4ADDCE Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 99%
Signature: 5441F5B39B3189713D04B15553ECE55D2792722E
FILE: 09 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- O Iesu mi dulcissime – à 4.flac
Size: 16940406 Hash: 76C1657A2FBF4EA4C21666676D8E8C43 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: DF07077C520260D37212FF6BFD2B84A73D21D8B5
FILE: 08 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Amore langueo – à 4.flac
Size: 17193388 Hash: 79FD920CE8A8580D7DF3F83E1387B587 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 2101DE4C9B6BFAEDF19088127F65FD6C999FFF4F
FILE: 07 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Fratres qui gloriatur – à 3.flac
Size: 12797182 Hash: 8D8477D7E1DBA8C4A05BDAAF2A979480 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 83D48DF72C912A064B9125D21C1AF0EF3E753712
FILE: 06 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- O quam gloriosum regnum – à 3.flac
Size: 11714060 Hash: 7DFDCCCEEBC8477CE3789905B2C55504 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 03F14825F2FAF8A84986DBF66D3AE7549E0ED67E
FILE: 05 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Audi soror mea – à 2.flac
Size: 10018787 Hash: CF480C20630324358916048DDA7A53BD Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 2E46B0F05035F17FD4CFAAA4BBD057D0B7850924
FILE: 04 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Quam pulchra es – à 2.flac
Size: 9078585 Hash: FFD00C5D6923A0754ADAF0898F4A9E27 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 1029394BEF0AC023E8C958B7EFF6D546AB77530B
FILE: 03 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- O laeta dies – à 2.flac
Size: 16723368 Hash: E971927B2E399D12AE8EC274FC496C91 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 043A9A18A715A508D40E5C9D577D8E62D278961E
FILE: 02 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Descendi in hortum meum – à 2.flac
Size: 15681970 Hash: E3115768754F35EA8F2132A5FCE1F7E3 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 1396403BB96767DFB2D5CBF1038E09A08316360F
FILE: 01 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Veniat dilectus meus – à 2.flac
Size: 15901802 Hash: 2295EFEF7F1AAC15AD6B2A22732F05EB Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 5DB3370656F5E9A7CB7D3E1A2711EB8F00C47805
PERFORMER: auCDtect Task Manager, ver. 1.6.0 RC1 build
Copyright © 2008-2010 y-soft. All rights reserved
ANALYZER: auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright © 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
FILE: 15 - Gilberto Scordari - Quarta raccolta de sacri canti- Cantemus Domine gloriose – à 3.flac
Size: 13944143 Hash: 5AA01A43A4AF50BAD8C9AC0F0EA1214C Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: A3FF438832471C284345A1AFD13FA9D1F957E9AD
FILE: 14 - Gilberto Scordari - Quarta raccolta de sacri canti- Quis est hic – à 2.flac
Size: 10827363 Hash: 1E6BB165BDDE5E893F859222572434EA Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 99%
Signature: 3FDD3BBAC90856E94FDADA4F8F497116C4C7117D
FILE: 13 - Gilberto Scordari - Seconda raccolta de sacri canti- Adorent sacramentum – à 4.flac
Size: 13218003 Hash: B2DC1658D299C749C99B2CC69B920BFD Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 147BC87C9B3DDD9DC578A5E455B2DB377909F869
FILE: 12 - Gilberto Scordari - Seconda raccolta de sacri canti- Dulcis amor Iesu – à 2.flac
Size: 14140979 Hash: 1ACC91882ABAF81BE1DEFB8E9506019D Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: C5E8F0DE760AEE1ABD79CB2F4C2CDB773E8762B9
FILE: 11 - Gilberto Scordari - Seconda raccolta de sacri canti- Amore langueo – à voce sola.flac
Size: 15300656 Hash: 5DCC5B89354DEC4CB285E3A15BF5B45E Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: FBB1E8B11D434D12BD40F662C77D678A7413C2E4
FILE: 10 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Ave Mater Salvatoris – à 4.flac
Size: 18596227 Hash: DAB2EB094068B8D9BB95F768EE4ADDCE Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 99%
Signature: 5441F5B39B3189713D04B15553ECE55D2792722E
FILE: 09 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- O Iesu mi dulcissime – à 4.flac
Size: 16940406 Hash: 76C1657A2FBF4EA4C21666676D8E8C43 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: DF07077C520260D37212FF6BFD2B84A73D21D8B5
FILE: 08 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Amore langueo – à 4.flac
Size: 17193388 Hash: 79FD920CE8A8580D7DF3F83E1387B587 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 2101DE4C9B6BFAEDF19088127F65FD6C999FFF4F
FILE: 07 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Fratres qui gloriatur – à 3.flac
Size: 12797182 Hash: 8D8477D7E1DBA8C4A05BDAAF2A979480 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 83D48DF72C912A064B9125D21C1AF0EF3E753712
FILE: 06 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- O quam gloriosum regnum – à 3.flac
Size: 11714060 Hash: 7DFDCCCEEBC8477CE3789905B2C55504 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 03F14825F2FAF8A84986DBF66D3AE7549E0ED67E
FILE: 05 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Audi soror mea – à 2.flac
Size: 10018787 Hash: CF480C20630324358916048DDA7A53BD Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 2E46B0F05035F17FD4CFAAA4BBD057D0B7850924
FILE: 04 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Quam pulchra es – à 2.flac
Size: 9078585 Hash: FFD00C5D6923A0754ADAF0898F4A9E27 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 1029394BEF0AC023E8C958B7EFF6D546AB77530B
FILE: 03 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- O laeta dies – à 2.flac
Size: 16723368 Hash: E971927B2E399D12AE8EC274FC496C91 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 043A9A18A715A508D40E5C9D577D8E62D278961E
FILE: 02 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Descendi in hortum meum – à 2.flac
Size: 15681970 Hash: E3115768754F35EA8F2132A5FCE1F7E3 Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 1396403BB96767DFB2D5CBF1038E09A08316360F
FILE: 01 - Gilberto Scordari - Symbolae diversorum musicorum- Veniat dilectus meus – à 2.flac
Size: 15901802 Hash: 2295EFEF7F1AAC15AD6B2A22732F05EB Accuracy: -m8
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 5DB3370656F5E9A7CB7D3E1A2711EB8F00C47805