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Kronos Quartet - Terry Riley: Salome Dances for Peace (1989) 2CDs

Posted By: Designol
Kronos Quartet - Terry Riley: Salome Dances for Peace (1989) 2CDs

Kronos Quartet - Terry Riley: Salome Dances for Peace (1989) 2CDs
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue&Log) ~ 495 Mb | Scans included
Label: Elektra/Nonesuch | # 7559-79217-2 | Time: 01:58:32
Genre: Classical, Minimalism, Avant-Garde

There is no string quartet that has ever been written that can compare length and diversity with Terry Riley's Salome Dances for Peace. Morton Feldman has written a longer one, but it is confined to his brilliant field of notational relationships and open tonal spaces. Riley's magnum opus, which dwarfs Beethoven's longest quartet by three, is a collection of so many different kinds of music, many of which had never been in string quartet form before and even more of which would – or should – never be rubbing up against one another in the same construct. Riley is a musical polymath, interested in music from all periods and cultures: there are trace elements of jazz and blues up against Indian classical music, North African Berber folk melodies, Native American ceremonial music, South American shamanistic power melodies – and many more. The reason they are brought together in this way is for the telling of an allegorical story. In Riley's re-examining Salome's place in history, he finds a way to redeem both her and the world through her talent. Two thousand years after her original infamous dance she is summoned by the Great Spirit who sees her as the epitome of the feminine force and needs her talent to win back peace for the world, which has been stolen by dark forces. The quartet that Kronos takes on here has five movements, but within each movement are sections where the music changes to illustrate certain themes in Salome's journey to dance for peace. In the first two movements alone there are a total of 15 such sections. Some of them move through Middle Eastern desert themes and others through the Old West as portrayed by Aaron Copland. The genius in such a work is not so much in having so many ideas and putting them into one pot, but in writing transitions for a group of musicians to make them believable and seamless. In Riley's quartet, the journeying from summoning to the recessional at the end, movement is constant: action, contemplation, and meditation all take place on the move. Kronos' sense of drama and pace is inherent in everything they do and so the theater involved here (this was originally conceived of as a ballet) is not a stretch for them. But the emotional changes involved in the solemnity of the cause – which Riley's mythical undertaking takes absolutely seriously – that move from great seriousness to righteous anger to being in awe of the Divine and the urge to give in to various temptations are all illustrated by rhythmic, tonal, and timbral changes within the score. Modes shift from interval to interval without seam, hesitation, or mindless transition. Riley takes all of the musical ideas he holds dear, places them in the context of all the world's musical styles he holds sacred, and then creates for them an allegory that has lasting implications for how people view not only history and their role in the present, but how they conduct their view of the world around them forever more. That this is done without a lyric or being autodidactic is a small miracle. That he and the Kronos Quartet have produced a string quartet at the end of the twentieth century that stands as one of the most sophisticated and musically challenging in the history of Western music is an enigma.

Review by Thom Jurek, Allmusic.com

Kronos Quartet - Terry Riley: Salome Dances for Peace (1989) 2CDs

Kronos Quartet - Terry Riley: Salome Dances for Peace (1989) 2CDs

Kronos Quartet:

- David Harrington, violin
- John Sherba, violin
- Hank Dutt, viola
- Joan Jeanrenaud, cello



I. Anthem Of The Great Spirit:

01. The Summons (4:57)
02. Peace Dance (11:01)
03. Fanfare In The Minimal Kingdom (4:29)
04. Ceremonial Night Race (4:43)
05. At The Ancient Aztec Corn Races Salome Meets Wild Talker (2:02)
06. More Ceremonial Races (0:50)
07. Oldtimers At The Races (3:48)
08. Half Wolf Dances Mad In Moonlight (8:16)

II. Conquest Of The War Demons:

09. Way Of The Warrior (5:08)
10. Salome And Half Wolf Descend Through The Gates To The Underworld (4:36)
11. Breakthrough To The Realm Of The War Demons (2:37)
12. Combat Dance (3:53)
13. Victory, Salome Re-Enacts For Half Wolf Her Deeds Of Valor (0:43)
14. Discovery Of Peace (3:37)
15. The Underworld Arising (10:10)


III. The Gift:

01. Echoes Of Primordial Time (11:15)
02. Mongolian Winds (4:17)

IV. The Ecstasy:

03. Processional (2:10)
04. Seduction Of The Bear Father (3:11)
05. The Gathering (5:41)
06. At The Summit (5:23)
07. Recessional (2:06)

V. Good Medicine:

08. Good Medicine Dance (13:27)

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008

Отчёт EAC об извлечении, выполненном 15. мая 2009, 0:09

Terry Riley / Salome Dances for Peace - Kronos Quartet (CD 1)

Дисковод: ASUS DRW-20B1LT Adapter: 0 ID: 0

Режим чтения : Достоверность
Использование точного потока : Да
Отключение кэша аудио : Да
Использование указателей C2 : Нет

Коррекция смещения при чтении : 6
Способность читать области Lead-in и Lead-out : Нет
Заполнение пропущенных сэмплов тишиной : Да
Удаление блоков с тишиной в начале и конце : Нет
При вычислениях CRC использовались нулевые сэмплы : Да
Интерфейс : Установленный внешний ASPI-интерфейс

Выходной формат : Внутренние WAV-операции
Формат сэмплов : 44.100 Гц; 16 бит; стерео

TOC извлечённого CD

Трек | Старт | Длительность | Начальный сектор | Конечный сектор
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:57.15 | 0 | 22289
2 | 4:57.15 | 11:01.60 | 22290 | 71924
3 | 15:59.00 | 4:29.52 | 71925 | 92151
4 | 20:28.52 | 4:43.45 | 92152 | 113421
5 | 25:12.22 | 2:02.33 | 113422 | 122604
6 | 27:14.55 | 0:50.27 | 122605 | 126381
7 | 28:05.07 | 3:48.73 | 126382 | 143554
8 | 31:54.05 | 8:16.67 | 143555 | 180821
9 | 40:10.72 | 5:08.58 | 180822 | 203979
10 | 45:19.55 | 4:36.00 | 203980 | 224679
11 | 49:55.55 | 2:37.72 | 224680 | 236526
12 | 52:33.52 | 3:53.35 | 236527 | 254036
13 | 56:27.12 | 0:43.33 | 254037 | 257294
14 | 57:10.45 | 3:37.17 | 257295 | 273586
15 | 60:47.62 | 10:10.63 | 273587 | 319399

Характеристики диапазона извлечения и сообщения об ошибках

Выбранный диапазон

Имя файла D:\черновики\Terry Riley - Salome Dances for Peace - Kronos Quartet\Terry Riley - Salome Dances for Peace - Kronos Quartet (CD 1).wav

Пиковый уровень 94.9 %
Качество диапазона 99.9 %
CRC копии 3E2099C2
Копирование… OK

Ошибок не произошло

AccurateRip: сводка

Трек 1 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [E9C6FB1B]
Трек 2 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [80D675FE]
Трек 3 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [9EF147D1]
Трек 4 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [E735B8A1]
Трек 5 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [91299261]
Трек 6 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [811AA4CE]
Трек 7 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [A94166C3]
Трек 8 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [06466BE7]
Трек 9 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [D86D9EF2]
Трек 10 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [4C69E1B0]
Трек 11 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [0B76489F]
Трек 12 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [E70AEE13]
Трек 13 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [49D5C59A]
Трек 14 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [192A0F7B]
Трек 15 точное извлечение (доверие 5) [A8E7A8D0]

Все треки извлечены точно

Конец отчёта

[CUETools log; Date: 28.08.2015 1:33:42; Version: 2.1.4]
[CTDB TOCID: GCp28OFIpWKIMnyBhwSQlly6quc-] found.
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (17/17) Accurately ripped
2 | (16/17) Accurately ripped
3 | (17/17) Accurately ripped
4 | (17/17) Accurately ripped
5 | (17/17) Accurately ripped
6 | (17/17) Accurately ripped
7 | (17/17) Accurately ripped
8 | (17/17) Accurately ripped
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11 | (17/17) Accurately ripped
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14 | (17/17) Accurately ripped
15 | (17/17) Accurately ripped
[AccurateRip ID: 002852e3-01bb6e1c-e510a20f] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
01 [e9c6fb1b|9352a845] (16+15/33) Accurately ripped
02 [80d675fe|22a3f1b7] (16+15/33) Accurately ripped
03 [9ef147d1|27544a52] (16+15/33) Accurately ripped
04 [e735b8a1|0fcc4ff0] (16+13/31) Accurately ripped
05 [91299261|c709b1da] (16+13/31) Accurately ripped
06 [811aa4ce|4edea243] (16+15/33) Accurately ripped
07 [a94166c3|5e73be29] (16+14/32) Accurately ripped
08 [06466be7|9d70d49f] (16+14/32) Accurately ripped
09 [d86d9ef2|dd591b57] (16+15/33) Accurately ripped
10 [4c69e1b0|cf734cb1] (16+15/33) Accurately ripped
11 [0b76489f|3f36503d] (16+15/33) Accurately ripped
12 [e70aee13|d228a749] (16+15/33) Accurately ripped
13 [49d5c59a|85ef7dd1] (16+15/33) Accurately ripped
14 [192a0f7b|85eb43c1] (15+15/32) Accurately ripped
15 [a8e7a8d0|070d85ed] (15+14/31) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -703:
01 [4575eb4a] (02/33) Accurately ripped
02 [c87ecf50] (02/33) Accurately ripped
03 [2ddf1dca] (02/33) Accurately ripped
04 [92fa6f28] (02/31) Accurately ripped
05 [71f598e9] (02/31) Accurately ripped
06 [7835007f] (02/33) Accurately ripped
07 [084d0fac] (02/32) Accurately ripped
08 [454ba453] (02/32) Accurately ripped
09 [cf0e3bf0] (02/33) Accurately ripped
10 [d2dc0b9b] (02/33) Accurately ripped
11 [e00a50f1] (02/33) Accurately ripped
12 [a2c51d8f] (02/33) Accurately ripped
13 [10a9e8ec] (02/33) Accurately ripped
14 [9241104a] (02/32) Accurately ripped
15 [b334a451] (02/31) Accurately ripped

Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL] [ LOG ]
– 94,9 [3E2099C2] [57CE3645] CRC32
01 61,9 [C4940830] [3295A562]
02 86,5 [CF4AACFB] [85BFAD7F]
03 72,7 [AF33D501] [34B72708]
04 41,0 [17A0B6F2] [12F30B95]
05 50,1 [9C2CBC3D] [9523E4E3]
06 83,9 [4BB944BB] [06C65D87]
07 67,1 [07940049] [A458ECA9]
08 85,0 [F9066647] [AB9CFC2B]
09 65,1 [2DE0755C] [A154E3CB]
10 81,6 [CD2680B9] [B10BFFCA]
11 92,8 [23B47ACA] [4014BDBC]
12 94,9 [B58A035B] [549E4B7B]
13 80,5 [A6DFD933] [993421D0]
14 50,5 [CBFBE5F2] [4D1CAD1D]
15 68,6 [94670CC1] [A30567A0]

foobar2000 1.2 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2015-08-27 23:59:47

Analyzed: Terry Riley / Salome Dances for Peace - Kronos Quartet (CD 1)

DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR13 -4.15 dB -22.45 dB 4:57 01-I Anthem of the Great Spirit The Summons
DR16 -1.25 dB -25.99 dB 11:02 02-I Anthem of the Great Spirit Peace Dance
DR14 -2.76 dB -23.05 dB 4:30 03-I Anthem of the Great Spirit Fanfare in the Minimal Kingdom
DR13 -7.73 dB -28.13 dB 4:44 04-I Anthem of the Great Spirit Ceremonial Night Race
DR12 -13.99 dB -30.46 dB 2:02 05-I Anthem of the Great Spirit At the Ancient Aztec Corn Races Salome Meets W…
DR11 -1.52 dB -21.40 dB 0:50 06-I Anthem of the Great Spirit More Ceremonial Races
DR13 -3.45 dB -23.85 dB 3:49 07-I Anthem of the Great Spirit Oldtimers at the Races
DR14 -1.40 dB -20.03 dB 8:17 08-I Anthem of the Great Spirit Half Wolf Daniel Dances Mad in Moonlight
DR13 -3.73 dB -21.10 dB 5:09 09-II Conquest of the War Demons Way of the Warrior
DR16 -1.76 dB -27.57 dB 4:36 10-II Conquest of the War Demons Salome and Half Wolf Descend Throughthe Gates…
DR13 -0.64 dB -19.50 dB 2:38 11-II Conquest of the War Demons Breakthrough to the Realm of the War Demons
DR14 -0.45 dB -18.64 dB 3:53 12-II Conquest of the War Demons Combat Dance
DR12 -1.88 dB -17.80 dB 0:43 13-II Conquest of the War Demons Victory Salome Re-enacts for Half Wolf her De…
DR13 -5.92 dB -24.77 dB 3:37 14-II Conquest of the War Demons Discovery of Peace
DR15 -3.26 dB -24.26 dB 10:11 15-II Conquest of the War Demons The Underworld Arising

Number of tracks: 15
Official DR value: DR13

Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008

Отчёт EAC об извлечении, выполненном 15. мая 2009, 0:21

Terry Riley / Salome Dances for Peace - Kronos Quartet (CD 2)

Дисковод: ASUS DRW-20B1LT Adapter: 0 ID: 0

Режим чтения : Достоверность
Использование точного потока : Да
Отключение кэша аудио : Да
Использование указателей C2 : Нет

Коррекция смещения при чтении : 6
Способность читать области Lead-in и Lead-out : Нет
Заполнение пропущенных сэмплов тишиной : Да
Удаление блоков с тишиной в начале и конце : Нет
При вычислениях CRC использовались нулевые сэмплы : Да
Интерфейс : Установленный внешний ASPI-интерфейс

Выходной формат : Внутренние WAV-операции
Формат сэмплов : 44.100 Гц; 16 бит; стерео

TOC извлечённого CD

Трек | Старт | Длительность | Начальный сектор | Конечный сектор
1 | 0:00.00 | 11:15.22 | 0 | 50646
2 | 11:15.22 | 4:17.08 | 50647 | 69929
3 | 15:32.30 | 2:10.20 | 69930 | 79699
4 | 17:42.50 | 3:11.55 | 79700 | 94079
5 | 20:54.30 | 5:41.47 | 94080 | 119701
6 | 26:36.02 | 5:23.58 | 119702 | 143984
7 | 31:59.60 | 2:06.15 | 143985 | 153449
8 | 34:06.00 | 13:27.57 | 153450 | 214031

Характеристики диапазона извлечения и сообщения об ошибках

Выбранный диапазон

Имя файла D:\черновики\Terry Riley - Salome Dances for Peace - Kronos Quartet\Terry Riley - Salome Dances for Peace - Kronos Quartet (CD 2).wav

Пиковый уровень 97.3 %
Качество диапазона 99.9 %
CRC копии 840DCB36
Копирование… OK

Ошибок не произошло

AccurateRip: сводка

Трек 1 нет в базе данных
Трек 2 нет в базе данных
Трек 3 нет в базе данных
Трек 4 нет в базе данных
Трек 5 нет в базе данных
Трек 6 нет в базе данных
Трек 7 нет в базе данных
Трек 8 нет в базе данных

Ни одного трека нет в базе AccurateRip

Конец отчёта

[CUETools log; Date: 28.08.2015 1:34:27; Version: 2.1.4]
[CTDB TOCID: 6jDAPaYZ11MZzDfQJONCnTcUrro-] found.
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (18/18) Accurately ripped
2 | (18/18) Accurately ripped
3 | (18/18) Accurately ripped
4 | (18/18) Accurately ripped
5 | (18/18) Accurately ripped
6 | (18/18) Accurately ripped
7 | (18/18) Accurately ripped
8 | (18/18) Accurately ripped
[AccurateRip ID: 000e1f56-005b4078-710b2508] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
01 [32c8a1d0|80fe5cc5] (16+14/32) Accurately ripped
02 [cb449d3c|a9f75a47] (16+15/33) Accurately ripped
03 [40a90d35|fd10b273] (16+14/30) Accurately ripped
04 [c6320977|95334826] (16+15/31) Accurately ripped
05 [ef61c28c|a7477621] (16+14/30) Accurately ripped
06 [851b0709|758987e5] (15+15/30) Accurately ripped
07 [4a1bc915|a1a0c724] (16+15/31) Accurately ripped
08 [4866b9e5|29e556b3] (16+13/29) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -659:
01 [f1e54501] (02/32) Accurately ripped
02 [d2c22b8f] (02/33) Accurately ripped
03 [48f54dcd] (00/30) No match (V2 was not tested)
04 [c959c480] (00/31) No match (V2 was not tested)
05 [07cd7c7b] (00/30) No match (V2 was not tested)
06 [03089a9d] (00/30) No match (V2 was not tested)
07 [1edface5] (00/31) No match (V2 was not tested)
08 [511262a6] (00/29) No match (V2 was not tested)

Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL] [ LOG ]
– 97,3 [840DCB36] [BE23C912] CRC32
01 51,4 [AB61F0A0] [7647F554]
02 32,6 [5E661823] [A07D00DE]
03 32,5 [0AEBAF60] [BF26CD31]
04 33,5 [488AA8F8] [603DD4A5]
05 56,8 [E4864027] [F8B4E5EB]
06 81,5 [23B69B02] [34DA0048]
07 47,3 [C6168775] [CBDE415F]
08 97,3 [FEF088B0] [33A5374F]

foobar2000 1.2 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2015-08-28 00:00:36

Analyzed: Terry Riley / Salome Dances for Peace - Kronos Quartet (CD 2)

DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR18 -5.77 dB -30.97 dB 11:15 01-III The Gift Echoes of Primordial Time
DR16 -9.72 dB -29.78 dB 4:17 02-III The Gift Mongolian Winds
DR12 -9.75 dB -28.41 dB 2:10 03-IV The Ecstasy Processional
DR12 -9.47 dB -28.60 dB 3:12 04-IV The Ecstasy Seduction of the Bear Father
DR13 -4.90 dB -26.07 dB 5:42 05-IV The Ecstasy The Gathering
DR14 -1.77 dB -21.56 dB 5:24 06-IV The Ecstasy At the Summit
DR12 -6.49 dB -28.50 dB 2:06 07-IV The Ecstasy Recessional
DR16 -0.23 dB -21.96 dB 13:28 08-V Good Medicine Dance

Number of tracks: 8
Official DR value: DR14

Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16

Kronos Quartet - Terry Riley: Salome Dances for Peace (1989) 2CDs

Kronos Quartet - Terry Riley: Salome Dances for Peace (1989) 2CDs

All thanks to original releaser

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