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Josep María Martí Duran - Tantalo: Baroque bel canto (2021)

Posted By: ciklon5
Josep María Martí Duran - Tantalo: Baroque bel canto (2021)

Josep María Martí Duran - Tantalo: Baroque bel canto (2021)
FLAC tracks | 61:26 | 232 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

Imitar col canto chi parla' ('imitating in song one who speaks'): that ideal, expressed by Jacopo Peri in the preface to his setting of Euridice, heralded a veritable revolution in vocal music, beginning with the experiments, towards the end of the sixteenth century, of the Florentine Camerata – a group of intellectuals and musicians led by Count Giovanni de’ Bardi, who aimed to revive the glorious art of ancient Greek tragedy. According to written accounts, the latter was sung, or spoken, in such a way that the words, while remaining intelligible at all times, were emotionally heightened. The members of the Camerata wished thus to break with the polyphonic madrigal tradition of the Renaissance and turn to accompanied monody, recitar cantando, thereby returning to the pre-eminence of the word as the means of conveying human emotions, with the music, henceforth subordinate to speech, serving to magnify and amplify it.

Track List:
1. Arpeggiata a mio modo
2. Dolcissimo sospiro
3. Vedrò il mio sol
4. Io vidi in terra
5. Sinfonia No. 12
6. Lagrime amare
7. Queste pungenti spine
8. Canzonetta spirituale sopra alla nanna
9. Sinfonia No. 17
10. Io v'adoro e non v'amo
11. Sonata No. 3
12. M'amo tanto costei
13. L'Eraclito amoroso
14. Voglio di vita uscir

ANALYZER: auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright © 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

FILE: 01 - Arpeggiata a mio modo.flac
Size: 6749611 Hash: C6423B07C1D5DDF210EC773BB6F30445 Accuracy: -m40
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 9A17E1AC5A547AFA76C15D5EA8D623278EE9F7E6
FILE: 02 - Dolcissimo sospiro.flac
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FILE: 03 - Vedrò il mio sol.flac
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FILE: 04 - Io vidi in terra.flac
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FILE: 05 - Sinfonia No. 12.flac
Size: 6876290 Hash: AAF33BDD27BAE80065EFABD229A7DF9C Accuracy: -m40
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 5537EC9ED87BF3966DF83B4399E039E41171F48E
FILE: 06 - Lagrime amare.flac
Size: 18108875 Hash: F3F6010F06D34AD03F95BBA560C67CF2 Accuracy: -m40
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: BB735E17D8037AD4E4CE232F105BED9D1F4DE85B
FILE: 07 - Queste pungenti spine.flac
Size: 47363726 Hash: 50FD8DB22414F58B0AFBF319E826FABF Accuracy: -m40
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 4871C5A7997B6BB3A23F7E31FB0F6C796048DB13
FILE: 08 - Canzonetta spirituale sopra alla nanna.flac
Size: 28392007 Hash: 80E5F33632ED1B85C21E8F88643C7578 Accuracy: -m40
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 6303EF1118A9B8012424B4EB6913C9478B345EAB
FILE: 09 - Sinfonia No. 17.flac
Size: 5485963 Hash: 18A76E4F0D812ED406CA1F1673F3BFEF Accuracy: -m40
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 1566C906CC022B46FAACC96A8A053BF92A7318D4
FILE: 10 - Io v'adoro e non v'amo.flac
Size: 16162272 Hash: A35D42A3ECEEABC0D3280F8DD56F06E2 Accuracy: -m40
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 77065B307BC56FD4DD309A4156680825509A528B
FILE: 11 - Sonate concertate in stil moderno, Book 2_ Sonata No. 3.flac
Size: 23896495 Hash: F7B2F36BF4EB0D92F58C925CC061979A Accuracy: -m40
Conclusion: CDDA 99%
Signature: 2C89182DEAE0FBE59A070FEF202F94791B6EFB2F
FILE: 12 - M'amo tanto costei.flac
Size: 12765066 Hash: CE693633040AFA69EC287F98F7BACEF5 Accuracy: -m40
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: CA6649D173A80E7C05D7D5D9475C76BDA50EF1F8
FILE: 13 - L'Eraclito amoroso.flac
Size: 23125826 Hash: 185CB8F2D7B9A81A9F6F1A7E735B0057 Accuracy: -m40
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: F3D8BAA2AA344DB653A06A9E2655D3A38CB97EDC
FILE: 14 - Voglio di vita uscir.flac
Size: 18232419 Hash: 3ACCBB551B197E0865845927DA23697F Accuracy: -m40
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 909BA9EDF58C2992FDB19BB42DE829C4A7DC09F6